Konovalenko S. А.

Morphological Analysis of Age-Related Changes in Microcirculation under the Conditions of Cadmium Intoxication

About the author:

Konovalenko S. А.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The current rise of anthropogenic impact on the environment leads to increasing of chemical substances and their metabolites there, which adversely affect the function and structure of organs and systems of the body and worsen the various pathologies. It is well known that the diseases of heart and blood vessels are the most common, they are learned in numerous studies that have shown the significant advances in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this diseases, which are an important and urgent medical and social problem. It is necessary to indicate that nowadays the changes in microcirculation under the conditions of chemical factors` influences to the organism are not learned in the age aspect. Short amount of studies have investigated age related structural changes in the coronary arteries of the heart chambers under the influence of cadmium chloride. The arteries of medium and small caliber were inspected using morphological methods in 72 white male-rats, which were divided into 4 groups. The first group included 16 experimental animals at the age of 8 months (mature animals); the second – 22 rats at the age of 24 months (old); the third group included 15 experimental animals at the age of 8 months, which were administered cadmium chloride; 4th group included 19 rats at the age of 24 months, which were also administered the chemical, indicated above. The animals stayed in general conditions and ration, common for animals, which stay in vivarium. The euthanasia of animals was performed by exsanguination under ketamine anesthesia. Intramural small-caliber arteries of left and right ventricles were studied using microscopic and morphometric methods of investigation. It is found, that under the conditions of prolonged exposure of cadmium chloride on the animals leads to severe structural adjustment of arteries of heart ventricles. It is observed the increasing of their external diameter (in young animals by 7. 8 % and by 8. 5% – in old animals) , the thickness of the media (in young animals it increased by 80% and in old animals – by 84. 0%), the increasing of Vogenvort index (in young animals by 2. 79 times, and in old animals – by 3. 4 times) and expressing of narrowing (in young animals by 38. 1% and in old animals – by 41. 3%), which leads to a reduction of capacity and deterioration of blood supply to the organ. The observed restructuring of arteries under the modeled pathological conditions prevailed in small caliber vessels of the left ventricle and in experimental animals of old age group. Further comprehensive study of age related structural adjustment of the coronary arteries of the heart muscle under the toxic injury will significantly improve their diagnosis, prevention and correction.


arteries of the heart, cadmium chloride, mature and old white rats


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 269-273 pages, index UDK 616. 24 – 089. 168. 1 – 06. 616. 12