Kharchenko A. V.

Diagnostics of Changes in Gastric Mucosa Epithelium Made by Histological and Immunohistochemical Methods in Patients with Chronic Duodenal Ulcer

About the author:

Kharchenko A. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Diagnostics, made by the histological and immunohistochemical Кі-67 marker showed changes in mucosal epithelium, specific to gastric mucosa epithelium dysplasia in patients, suffering from chronic duodenal ulcer. Against the background of manifested forms of chronic atrophic and atrophic- hyperplasic gastritis the rate of myotic index was almost the same in gastric mucosa of pyloric part and lesser curvature of stomach. It has been discovered that the mitotic index of gastric mucosa in pyloric part constituted 16,54,2%, number of mitosis at metaphase constituted 37,87,8% and number of pathological mitoses constituted 10,61,3%. The mitotic index of gastric mucosa on lesser curvature of stomach constituted 16,02,4%, number of mitosis at meta-phase constituted 38,83,7% and number of pathological mitoses constituted 9,01,4%. The mitotic index in the body of stomach constituted 7,81,6%, number of mitosis in metaphase constituted 20,03,1% and number of pathological mitoses constituted 3,71,5%. The indices of mitotic regimen are tending to increase in the direction from the area of the body to the lesser curvature and to the pyloric part of stomach. A dependency between the number of pathological mitoses, mitoses at metaphase and mitotic index with mani-festation of mucosal dysplasia in topographic and anatomical parts of stomach has been identified. In the body of stomach, where indices of mitotic regimen are low, manifested dysplasia (D-III) of gastric mucosa epithelium have been minimal, medium-grade dysplasia (D-II) and low-grade dysplasia (D-I) have been identified fewer than in other parts. With the increase of pathological mitoses indices in number on lesser curvature and pyloric part of stomach, the number of gastric mucosa epithelium dysplasia, among which its manifested forms prevail, is growing too. Correlation analysis has been carried out aiming at the establishment of specific relationship between the de-gree of dysplasia manifestation and expansion of the Кі-67marker. Between the degree of dysplasia of gastric mucosa epithelium and indices of Кі-67marker expression, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, rxy, constituted 0,935, which corresponds to very strong correlation. Coefficient of determination, D=rxy^2, constituted 0,874. Critical value of correlation coefficient with probability of 0,95 was 0,2732. Critical value of correlation coefficient with probability of 0,99 was 0,3511. The comparison of correlation coefficient, rxy, with critical (tabulated) value, rcr, worthof 0,95, corresponded to rxy>rcr. The comparison of correlation coefficient, rxy, with critical (tabulated) value, rcr, worthof 0,99, corresponded to rxy>rcr. Covariation coefficient constituted 521,641, which makes it possible to conclude about sta-tistically significant dependence between abovementioned indices with probability of 0,99. Between the degree of dysplasia of gastric mucosa epithelium and indices of mitotic regimen, i. e., mitotic index, mitoses at metaphase and pathological mitoses, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, rxy, constituted 0,853, 0,754 and 0,853, respectively, making a strong relationship evident. Coefficient of determination, D=rxy^2, con-stituted 0,727, 0,568 and 0,728, respectively. Critical value of correlation coefficient with probability of 0,95 was 0,2732. Critical value of correlation coefficient with probability of 0,99 was 0,3511. The comparison of correlation coefficient, rxy, with critical (tabulated) value, rcr, worthof 0,95, corresponded to rxy>rcr. Critical value of correlation co-efficient with probability of 0,99 was rxy>rcr. Covariation coefficient constituted 2,824, 3,806 and 1,904, respectively. This concluded about the existence of statistically significant dependence with probability of 0,99. There is a strong correlation between the degree of dysplasia of gastric mucosa epithelium and indices of mi-totic regimen, i. e., mitotic index, mitoses at metaphase and pathological mitoses; the Pearson’s correlation coef- ficient, rxy, constituted 0,853, 0,754 and 0,853, respectively. Between the indices of Кі-67marker expression and the degree of dysplasia of gastric mucosa epithelium the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, rxy, constituted 0,935, identifying the very strong correlation. The obtained data show the existence of statistically significant dependence with probability of 0,99. The Кі-67 marker expression correlates with indices of gastric mucosa epithelium dysplasia and is the informa-tive method of detection of proliferative activity of gastric mucosa.


mitotic index, pathological mitoses, mitosis at metaphase.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 289-294 pages, index UDK 616. 33 – 008. 3: 616 – 071