Kovtun M. I.

Social-Psychological Aspect of High Qualified Ophthalmological Care Reformation

About the author:

Kovtun M. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


An important part of healthcare reform is its human resources aspect, and also its social-psycholog-ical constituent which refers to medical staff (doctors and nurses). The success of the industry reform is directly linked to health professionals’ deep understanding of necessity and inevitability of changes occurring in healthcare. The main aim of which is not only to improve the quality and availability of medical care, but also in enhancing the professional and social status of medical workers. The aim of this work is the evaluation of middle medical staff attitude toward the reform of high-qualified oph-thalmological care. Results and discussion. The results of evaluation of middle medical staff (64 people) professional opinion about the need of a high-qualified ophthalmological care reform. The average age of nurses who participated in the survey was (43,5 ± 12,4) years and the average work experience – 15-20 years. In the questionnaires provided to nurses two aspects were singled out: professional and psychological, financial and psychological, it also contained ques-tions regarding health care reform. It has been found (52 ± 6,2)% of the respondents are satisfied with conditions, which is significantly more (p <0,01) than unsatisfied ((28 ± 5,6)%). Know their job descriptions (96 ± 2,4)% of respondents, (86 ± 4,3)% of respondents – follow them in their work, (86 ± 4,3)% of those surveyed nurses inform patients about the rules of the hospital stay (75 ± 5,4)% – hold the registration of complaints of patients, (92 ± 3,1)% of respondents partici-pate in meetings for the nurses assessment. All this indicates a high professional expertise and accountability of respondents. It was found that (64 ± 6,0)% of surveyed nurses would like to work more intensively at a higher rate, (78 ± 5,2)% of them believe that they receive salary which doesn’t match the quality and volume of the work. When comparing the survey results of nurses questioning with doctors survey results we have found that the need health care reform is supported by (73 ± 5,6)% of nurses and only by (26 ± 9,1)% of those surveyed earlier doctors. Have not decided (48 ± 10,4)% of doctors and (22 ± 5,2)% of nurses, which indicates a greater willingness of nurses to change the organization of health care. Insurance medicine is supported by (30 ± 9,6)% of doctors and only (4 ± 2,4)% of nurses, in return to combine private practice with work in a public hospital are ready (96 ± 3,9)% of doctors, whereas among nurses (42 ± 6,1)% would like to work in a purely private hospitals and only (13± 4,2)% – in the state. As for preferred organizational form of health care (42 ± 6,1)% of surveyed nurses believe that it is private medicine, (13 ± 4,2)% believe that state is better; budget funding mechanism industry is supported(27 ± 5,6)% of respondents, as for multichannel funding mechanism it is supported by (14 ± 4,3)% of respondents.


healthcare reform, social-psychological aspects, middle medical staff, high-quality ophthalmologi-cal care.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 301-305 pages, index UDK 614. 2. 003:617. 7:001. 5