Bezvushko E. V., Melnychuk N. I., Hutor T. H.

Dental Caries and Physical Development of Children who Live in Certain Biogeochemical Provinces of Transcarpathia

About the author:

Bezvushko E. V., Melnychuk N. I., Hutor T. H.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Natural biogeochemical environmental conditions have significantly influence on formation of children’s organism The territory of Transcarpathia belongs to biogeochemical provinces with significant deficit of vital microelements. This area has a lot of mineral water deposits, that differ considerably by its composition. Svalyavsky region is characterized by lack of microelements of iodine, fluorine, bromine, cobalt and significant boron redundancy in the underground waters. Rakhiv region, except of shortages of phosphorus, potassium and calcium in water, and distinct lack of microelements of iodine, cobalt, nickel, copper, molybdenum, is characterized by increased composition of iron, arsenic. Natural microelement composition of soils, mineral waters of Transcarpathia, their redundancy or shortage contribute to the emergence of biological reactions on basis of which diseases are emerging. The aim of the research. Assess the relationship between dental caries and physical development of children who live in different biogeochemical conditions of Transcarpathia. The object and methods of research. To assess dental caries affection and physical development,445 children aged 7, 12, 15 years were examined in Svalyava and Rakhiv regions of Transcarpathia. Svalyava region is the ter-ritory with boron redundancy in mineral waters and Rakhiv region – iron-arsenic mineral waters. The prevalence of dental caries was assessed in percentages, the intensity of dental caries by CFE (carious/filled/extracted) index, according to WHO criteria. To assess the physical development of examined children there were analyzed anthro-pometric parameters (weight and height of children) by generally accepted method. The obtained results were as-sessed according to Student’s criteria. Results: It was found that the prevalence and intensity of dental caries in children in Svalyava is considerably lower (71,02 ± 3,79% and CFE = 2,9 ± 0,6 tooth) with regard to the children in Rakhiv (77,69 ± 3,79% and CFE= 4,7 ± 0,9 tooth, p<0. 05). Particularly, significant differences were found in 7 and 15- year-old children. It was found that the boys have higher intensity of caries than girls in Svalyava and Rakhiv. The physical development of children, to a certain extent, depends on the biogeochemical conditions, areas of residence. Indicators of height (146,7 ± 33 cm) and weight (42,9 ± 2,4 kg) in boys in Svalyava are higher with regard to their yearlings in Rakhiv (respectively 141,3 ± 3,4 cm 35,2 ± 2,3 kg). It turned out that girls who live in Svalyava have higher stature and body weight with regard to the children who live in Rakhiv. It is authentically proved that the low height and lower body weight are combining with the high intensity of dental caries. Conclusions. 1. As a result of children’s dental examination dependence of the teeth damaged by the dental caries on the biogeochemical conditions of the area was detected. In children that live in the territory where iron-arsenic water is concentrated, intensity of dental caries is much higher with regard to the children that live in the areas with boron redundancy in mineral waters. 2. The composition of mineral waters of Transcarpathia significantly affects the physical development of chil-dren. Children who live in the territory, which is characterized by the presence of iron-arsenic mineral water (Rakhiv region) have lower height and lower weight with regard to the children that live in the hydrocarbon sodium boron mineral water (Svalyava region)


Transcarpathia, children, dental caries, physical development


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 320-323 pages, index UDK 616. 314–002:616–053. 2–071. 3]:613. 1(477. 87)