Sokolova I., Prokopova M.

Influence of Prevention Programs on Local Immunity of the Oral Cavity in Children with Normal Hearing and Congenitally Deafness

About the author:

Sokolova I., Prokopova M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. The article provides information on condition of local immunity of the oral cavity in children with normal hearing and congenitally deafness. It contains a description of efficiency of two preventive programs and their influence on local immunity of oral cavity. Materials and methods. 99 congenitally deaf children with no associated somatic pathology, aged 6-16 years old were examined. 43 children with normal hearing and with no associated somatic pathology formed comparison group. 70 deaf and 32 children with normal hearing were chosen for further investigation. Children of index and comparison groups were divided into three groups by age: 7-8, 11-12 and 14-15. Depending on the treatment all children were divided into two subdivisions: A (traditional therapeutic and preventive measures) and B (suggested therapeutic and preventive measures). Traditional therapeutic and preventive measures included: 1. Two minutes of teeth brushing, twice a day, using manual toothbrush and toothpaste. The size of the toothbrush head was considered according to the age of child. Preference was given to brushes with medium hard bristles. The children from 6 to 8 years old used toothpaste Lacalut kids and mouthwash Drakosha. Among the advantages of toothpaste Lacalut kids can be noted: ability of fluorine to nourish damaged enamel; -reduction the risk of tooth decay in the transition from deciduous to permanent teeth; – reduction of the unpleasant sensation associated with the change of teeth; – gentle cleaning without damaging of enamel; – tooth paste contains no sugar, has a natural mint flavor. Children over 8 years old used tooth gel Lacalut teens 8+ with aminofluoride and sodium fluoride and mouthwash Lacalut teens 8+. 2. Chewing tablets Kalcinova (KRKA) were prescribed twice a day after meal for 30 days. In 5 and 11 month after the completion of the first course, 30 days refresher courses of treatment were ordered. 3. Suggested therapeutic and preventive measures included: 4. Two minutes of teeth brushing, twice a day, using manual toothbrush and toothpaste. The children from 6 to 8 years old used toothpaste Lacalut kids. Children over 8 years old used tooth gel Lacalut teens 8+. 5. Tooth brushing was followed by rinsing with mouthwash “Lizomukoid” for 60 s three times a day after each meal. Solution was diluted with water (1:10). Sublingual tablets with adaptogenic actions “Biotrit Denta” were prescribed trice a day after meal for 30 days. In 5 and 11 month after the completion of the first course, 30 days refresher courses of treatment were ordered. Criteria for evaluation of local immunity of the oral cavity were lysozyme and urease activity, sIgA-content and dysbiosis grade in oral fluid. Biochemical investigation of oral fluid was conducted in accordance with generally accepted method. Results. Conducted investigation showed significant (p<0,01) difference in local immunity and dysbiosis grade of oral cavity in deaf children and children with normal hearing. In comparison to children with normal hearing, deaf children revealed lower level of sIgA and lysozyme activity and higher dysbiosis grade and urease activity. It was established that A subdivision of children had more slow changes of local immunity values in comparison to children of B subdivision, and within a year of observation did not reach values of children with normal hearing. Conclusion. Suggested therapeutic and preventive measures revealed higher efficiency of recovery of local immunity values in oral cavity.


prevention, local immunity, oral cavity, congenital deafness, children


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 357-364 pages, index UDK 616. 31-053. 2-08-084:612. 017. 1:616. 28-008. 14-053