Udod A. A., Sirotkina E. V., Popova A. E.

Comparative study of the Effectiveness of Forecasting Dental Caries in Children

About the author:

Udod A. A., Sirotkina E. V., Popova A. E.



Type of article:

Scentific article


This paper presents the results of a comparative study of the effectiveness of forecasting caries lesions of teeth in children 15 with different methods of assessing of the structural and functional acid resistant enamel. The aim is to improve the efficiency of prediction of dental caries in children 15 years of structural and functional index acid resistant enamel of various methods of evaluation test enamel resistance. Object and methods. The study involved 116 people aged 15 years. During the initial examination determined the intensity of tooth caries lesions on indicators CFEd and CVN, structural and functional acid resistant enamel (SFАSE) teeth enamel resistance test (TER) determining color intensity etched areas of enamel in points for a standard ten-point scale blue visually and by computer analysis of the original software product performed after photographing. After 6 and 12 months expected increase intensity dental caries lesions (ΔCFEd and ΔCFdE) and determined the prognostic value of the index SFKSE for both methods of evaluation TER. Results and discussion. The average index of the intensity of carious lesions of teeth of all children was 2,10±0,15 the index CFEd and 2,36±0,18 for CVN index (p>0. 05). Index SFKSE teeth visual assessment equal to 5,06±0,19 points, by computer – 4,83±0,20 points (p>0. 05), but the test results for the two methods of determination have been reported in 51 cases (coefficient of coincidence 0. 44). After 6 months, the average acid resistant enamel examination of the children statistically (p<0. 05) increased: 4,11±0,17 points with visual assessment, 4,20±0,18 points from the computer. The same performance SFKSE by different methods of evaluation TER were reported in 40 cases (coefficient resemblance 0. 34). ΔCFEd index was 1,21±0,13, index ΔCFdE – 1,42±0,13 (p>0. 05). After the reorganization of groups depending on the initial parameters SFKSE for computer evaluation index SFKSE with computer evaluation demonstrated the prognostic performance at the level of 83. 6% in ΔCFEd and 80. 2% for ΔCFdE, while the efficiency of forecasting based on visual determination was only 71. 6% and 70. 7%, respectively. In a year caries increment was 1,86±0,16 for ΔCFEd and 1,93±0,17 for ΔCFdE (p>0. 05). Predictive performance evaluation with computer SFKSE TER in this period was 70. 7% for ΔCFEd and 68. 1% for ΔCFdE with visual assessment – 59. 5% and 55. 2%, respectively. Conclusions. Children aged 15 predictive effectiveness of structural and functional acid resistant tooth enamel by computer colour meaning reaches a sufficiently high level and allows to predict the growth of caries lesions in a period of 6 months for ΔCFEd up to 83. 6% for ΔCFdE – up to 80 2% in the period of 12 months, these figures are lower: 70. 7% and 68. 1%, respectively. The effectiveness of prediction of dental caries in the same terms in the case of visual assessment SFKSE are lower in 12% -9. 5% -12. 9% and 11. 2%, respectively.


children, dental caries, forecasting, structural and functional enamel acid stability, computed score


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 372-374 pages, index UDK 616. 314-002-037-053. 2