Key Aspects Psychiatric Care by General Practitioners / Family Doctors
About the author:
Bibyk I. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction: Research and statistical study and the development of a diagnostic algorithm within the organizational framework outpatient mental health care will, without attracting significant additional resources to provide high diagnostic significance and wide availability of adequate quality in the modern system of mental health care into primary health level, which was one of the objectives to achieve this goal of our study. Developing new ways to adequately assess the probability of having the disease within the mathematical model of the algorithm to identify potential patients with mental and behavioral disorders are important and promising area of modern medicine. Results and discussion. The data discriminant analysis yielded the following classification system of equations (1 – a sign is present, + 0 – no sign): Risk 1 = 1. 15 + 8. 861 (burdened heredity in schizophrenia) + 0. 947 (complications of childbirth) + 0. 478 (ab- sence of one or both parents) + 1. 384 (low social status) + 2. 88 (social isolation) + 3. 21 (a history psychological trauma). Risk 2 = 1. 92 + 5. 288564 (burdened heredity in schizophrenia) + 0. 612 (complications in childbirth) + 0. 483 (absence of one or both parents) + 1. 123 ( low social status ) + 2. 54 (social isolation) + 1. 434733 (a history psy- chological trauma). Where risk 1 – the probability of a patient mental disorders caused by schizophrenia, 90 %, 2 risk – the probabil- ity of a patient mental disorders less than 10% , respectively. Interpretation : Patient prediction will be put to risk, for which classified the value equation compared to the other will be higher, which can adequately ascertain the presence of mental disorders in persons surveyed in the modern system of mental health care into primary medical – sanitary level. Conclusions. The original discriminant models with high sensitivity (90 %), which allows one to accurately di- agnose and determine the likelihood of having mental disorders. Using the above method can not only during the early stages of mental disorders comprehensively identify potential risk and recommend timely specialized care in a modern system of mental health care at the level of GP. Prospects for future research: to organize the work of a general practitioner / family doctor about prevention and detection of mental disorders, and effectively collaborate between general practitioner / family doctor and a doctor – a psychiatrist might eliminate those risk factors that depend on the medical employees
diagnostic algorithm mental disorders
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 38-41 pages, index UDK 616. 89:614. 254. 3