Vesnina L. E., Kaydashev I. P.

Between Two Reforms – Current Status of Medical Science (the Role of Research Units within Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine)

About the author:

Vesnina L. E., Kaydashev I. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Reforming of higher education in compliance with the Bologna Convention requires significant in- crease in research activities as one of the leading factors to ensure high quality of higher education and increasing competitiveness for the full integration of Higher Education of Ukraine into international educational and scientific area. The priority task is the significant increase in the level of university research methodology, compliance with international research trends, the use of leading scientific technology and equipment. Ontheotherhand,theprocessofreformingofthehealthcareindustryandthedirectionoftheNationalprogram“Health 2020: Ukrainian Dimension” forms the strategic priorities for the development of medical science in general: focus on competitive innovative research topics and development in accordance with the priority needs of practical medicine and focused on the creation of the final scientific and technological product that requires implementation of health. This paper analyzes the role of the Research Institute for Genetic and Immunological Grounds of Pathology and Pharmacogenetics (RI GIGPР) as the structural unit of Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy in the current stage of reforming. The experience of developing scientific field is the study of genetically-mediated characteristics of NF-kВ determines signal transduction that determined the development of chronic systemic inflammation in patients with metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. Obtained fundamental results have developed the concept of permanent and long-term low-level activation of nuclear transcription factor kB as a model of the possible pathological condition. A methodological state-of-the- art laboratory facilities, molecular genetic studies and obtained practical results are existing database of genetic samples and sera representatives of Ukrainian population and received scientific and technical products as effective ways to diagnose and treatment. Marked lack of effectiveness phase of scientific and technological product in the practice of health care is in need of funds. It was determined that a significant reduction in funding threatens the existence of RI GIGPР resulting cuts permanent employees almost doubled inability upgrade and purchase new equipment needed. It is concluded that despite the presence of the latest ideas and research hypotheses and their willingness to implement, the current state of medical university science problem left to solve them open.


medical reform, reform of higher education, research


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 42-46 pages, index UDK 61. 001 +378