Gorachuk V.

Self-Analysis of Quality Health Care in Chernihiv Region Children’s Hospital

About the author:

Gorachuk V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Objective: To conduct a comparative assessment of the quality management system of medical care Chernihiv Region Children’s Hospital in 2011 and 2013 and analysis of the definition of areas of improvement. The object of study is defined quality management system of medical care Chernihiv Region Children’s Hospital and the results of its activities in 2011 and 2013. Quality Management System is based on the requirements of national standards for the quality management system DSTU ISO 9001:2009. Methods: a systematic approach and analysis, statistical analysis, graphical, self-esteem. Criteria of self- esteem were formed based on the key elements of a quality management system according to the requirements of national standard allowing for the system in a health facility. Used five point scale qualimetric self-assessment to determine the level of quality management system. Materials research served as the data in the form of self-assessment scorecard of qualimetric scale levels meet the criteria of self-esteem of 15 units, as well as provisions of subdivisions, the job descriptions of staff, analytical reporting unit managers, comprehensive operational plans of hospitals for 2011-2013, data of sociological surveys of parents of patients and medical staff, all 97 units. Results. It was established that during the period of 2011-2013 there were positive changes for each component element of the quality management system: a social orientation system – from 2,6±0,51 to 4,4±0,51 points, formation of objectives in terms of quality – of 2,6±0,51 points to 4,3±0,49 points, improving organizational struc- ture – from 1,5±0,52 points to 4,1±0,64 points, the operational management of medical-diagnostic process – of 1,8±0,41 points to 3,6±0,51 points, personnel management – from 2,4±0,63 to 4,1±0,74 points, monitoring of the quality management system – from 2,7±0,49 points to 4,5±0,52 points, introduction of new technologies – from 2,5±0,52 points to 4,5±0,64 points. However, evaluation of a single element has not reached a higher level – 5 points for the chosen scale. The most problematic areas remained Information security – rating 3,2±0,85 points, provision of medical equipment – evalu- ation of 3,3±0,98 points, managing medical-diagnostic process – evaluation of 3,6±0,51 points, that proper condi- tions working environment – assessment of 3,8±0,56 points. Conclusions. The results showed improvement in self-assessment activities in the field of quality management for all elements of the system, and also showed the weaknesses of the organization to identify areas of improve- ment in the system. The results of self-assessment can be used to analyze the top management and decision -mak- ing to improve the system. The results of self-assessment can be used for comparative analysis – Benchmarking – best practices in health care facilities with similar professional activity .


the quality management system,self-esteem, elements of the system, standards, quality improvement.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 78-82 pages, index UDK 614. 2:616-082