Grusinskiy O.

Application of PCR to Detect H. Pylori Infection in Biliary Diseases

About the author:

Grusinskiy O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The paper give grounds application of polymerase chain reaction to detect bacteria of the genus Helicobacter in biliary diseases. It has proved to be a highly specific method indicating the presence of DNA specific section of pathogens in the test material. The infection detection is possible even if the material taken from a patient contains only one cell of bacteria or virus. The uniqueness of the abovementioned diagnosis method is also evident with its high speed results. The high sensitivity of PCR to diagnose infection not only in the acute stage of the disease, but in chronic infection with the presence of a single bacteria or viruses as well. Under conducting the analysis of the tested material a specific DNA fragment is released, that is peculiar only to a particular pathogen, i. e. only to a certain bacteria or virus. This section of DNA is unique and is not typical for any infection. In our country, this diagnostic method has become widespread lately but it is not widely used for the diagnosis of H. pylori. There has studied 84 samples of bile and gallbladder wall obtained intraoperationally in patients with diseases of the biliary tract. The positive were considered samples in which two – on the level of internal control and the positive control. Negative were considered samples in which only one amplification product lines was determined on the level of internal control. Among the subjects there were 28 patients – 33. 3% males; 56 patients – 66. 7% females. In 35 patients – 42 % obtained positive result in bile and gallbladder wall under PCR reaction, i. e. positive Helicobacter . In 49 patients – 58% negative Helicobacter. Considering the high percentage of positive samples of Helicobacter of bile in patients with biliary tract disease it is possible to assume H. pylori infection as the cause of stone forming genesis. Analysis of the published papers on molecular detection of bacteria of Helicobacter DNA genus in the gallblad- der in patients with chronic cholecystitis shows that as early as in 2003, Chen W. et al. in bile samples obtained at cholecystoectomy, the DNA bacteria was detected in 50 % of cases, while in 56 of the 61 positive samples the DNA was related to H. pylori. In our study, using identical methods of DNA isolation from samples of gallbladder wall we got the results that indicate the presence of the bacteria genes in 42 % of cases. This emphasizes again that molecular modern biology is an extremely valuable tool for the identification of mi- croorganisms. Polymerase chain reaction can become the “gold” standard for detection of bacteria of the genus Helicobacter. Analysis of the published reports and the results obtained in this study indicates the need for stan- dardization of methods of genetic detection of bacteria of the genus Helicobacter and development of commercial kits available for practical laboratories. Summarizing the analyzed literature data, it can be argued that certain types of bacteria of the genus Helico- bacter play their role in the formation of gallstones.


cholelithiasis polymerase chain reaction, Helicobacter, diagnosis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 90-93 pages, index UDK 616. 36-092: 579. 835. 12