Dovgan R. S.

Scientific and Methodological Aspects of Teaching Pharmacology Chemotherapeutic Agents Students of Dental Faculties

About the author:

Dovgan R. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In recent years, various countries in compliance with the Bologna system, there fundamentalization Science and formation of students’ systematic approach to the analysis of not only challenging clinical situations, but also to understand the importance of taking medication according to approved formularies Increased information on pharmacology encourages teachers of higher medical schools look for new approaches to improve knowledge dental faculties material of general and special pharmacology with the use of the acquired knowledge in their future careers. Restructuring teaching pharmacology by credit-module system provides not only the modernization of education and development of students and the differentiation of the necessary material. Due to the fact that in medical science teaching significant changes associated with the transition of training of doctors and dentists to international standards, the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, National Medical University named after A. A. Bogomolets updated work program for teaching students of different faculties In lectures, practical classes, special attention should be paid to the section devoted to pharmacology of chemotherapeutic agents that prevent the development of microorganisms and prevent or eliminate inflammation. Materials and methods. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature, including textbooks on pharmacology of chemotherapeutic agents, information online. The analysis also program in pharmacology for dental students of the faculties of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Analysis of test tasks Step -1 performing students in Ukraine conducted to better prepare students for passing the state exam. Results and discussion. With the scientific and methodological aspects of teaching students pharmacology of chemotherapeutic agents appropriate to draw attention to the mechanisms of antimicrobial action of groups of drugs that violate the synthesis of microbial cell membranes, the function of the cell membrane, disrupt protein synthesis and synthesis of nucleic acids, which ultimately leads to changes in basic metabolic processes microorganisms. The lectures and workshops should focus students on what chemotherapeutic agents that are used in dental practice shared by origin, chemical composition and spectrum of antimicrobial action. This group of drugs dentist uses in the treatment of almost every patient. The proper purpose of medications, choosing the route of administration, duration of treatment regimens depends on the efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy. For the rational pharmacotherapy, students need to master sufficient information from textbooks and information online, be aware of new concepts and areas of treatment of oral diseases caused by pathogens. An important aspect of studying the pharmacology of chemotherapeutic drugs is drawing attention to students Dose dependent and time -dependent properties of these medications. The greatest the effectiveness of these drugs when administered 1-2 times daily in a large dose. Effectiveness of time -dependent antibiotics increases as their concentration in the body throughout the day. In recent times tended to be sequential therapy antimicrobial agents: intravenous administration at the beginning of treatment, followed, after stabilization of the patient, the transition to oral acceptance. Conclusion. The study of pharmacology of chemotherapeutic agents by students of the faculty of dentistry is essential for successful application in future clinical practice.


pharmacology of chemotherapeutic agents, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 99-105 pages, index UDK 378. 616-057. 875:371. 45