Zhdan V. M., Shtompel V. Yu., Ivanitskyi I. V., Shtompel P. S.

Aspects of Preventive Medicine in the Work of the Family Doctor

About the author:

Zhdan V. M., Shtompel V. Yu., Ivanitskyi I. V., Shtompel P. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article noted the important role of preventive measures in reducing mortality from the most com- mon chronic noninfectious diseases, which conclusively proven scientific research. It was shown that the contribu- tion of preventive measures, significantly less costly compared to all medical conditioned by more than 50%. The main areas of preventive medicine are: the formation of healthy living and early detection chronic nonin- fectious diseases and their risk factors, followed by timely correction. The success of the first direction not only of awareness and his basics and ensure appropriate conditions. This can be achieved only at the general government level. The second direction can be realized health system. The leading role in this belongs to the family doctor. In today’s educational programs of family physician emphasizes the skills of diagnosis and modification of risk factors most prevalent chronic noninfectious diseases, and counseling patients on healthy lifestyles. Through experimental clinical and epidemiological especially identified factors related to lifestyle, environment, human genetic features that contribute to the development and progression of diseases that are the leading cause of adult deaths . This concept is a scientific basis for their prevention. Of the strategic objectives and principles in the field of chronic infectious diseases among the factors related to lifestyle, highlights smoking, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and alcohol abuse. Their correction will reduce an individual’s risk for and obesity, hypertension, disturbance of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Risk factors associated with human life are common for major chronic noninfectious diseases cardiovascular, chronic nonspecific lung disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV / AIDS and others. There are factors that may modify the patient, changing your lifestyle, but there are those that are hereditary and are not considered chronic and change them through medical intervention (eg genetic cholesterolemia). Doctor here need help. According to the rational organization of the family doctor 30-40% of his working time should be given preventive diagnosis. Family doctor spends as general maintenance work for the entire population and individual. Family physician should detect the disease in its early stages, treat them to monitor complications and often provide long-term or even life medical care. The authors studied the state of awareness of risk factors and performance measures for secondary prevention of chronic noninfectious diseases at the level of primary care Health analyzed medical card patients with coronary artery disease, stable angina and describing patients with acute myocardial infarction and stroke retrospective analysis showed that primary care physicians lack of attention to major risk factors and their correction. The observed low adherence to control risk factors and low percentage achievement of target levels. Rarely used lipid- lowering drugs, including statins. A lack information patients about risk factors, no more than a third do not drug recommendations for secondary prevention. The necessity of taking into account the presence of the metabolic syndrome to determine cardiovascular risk in patients. Drawn research areas to nosological diagnosis using modern information technology.


prevention, risk factors, chronic noninfectious diseases, family medicine


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 119-122 pages, index UDK 616 – 084 : 614. 255. 3