A Modern Approach to the Prevention and Teatment of Bronchopulmonary Diseases Viral Etiology
About the author:
Ishcheykin K. E., Potiazhenko M. M., Liulka N. A., Sokoliuk N. L., Haymenova G. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The upper respiratory tract infection is the most common infectious diseases. The reasons for temporary disability they occupy the first place – even in the outside epidemic period on them suffer sixth of the world’s population. The aim of this work was to evaluate the clinical efficiency the inhibitor of proteolysis aminocaproic acid (ACA) as antiviral prophylactic and therapeutic agent during outbreaks of seasonal influenza and ARVI. Object and methods. The studies included medical interns, clinical interns, teachers of the chair of Internal Medicine and Medical Emergency Conditions with Dermatovenereology UMSA only under the following conditions: their voluntary consent with aim and volume of the planned examinations, necessity destination of the 5% solution of aminocaproic acid (ACA) in the form of intranasal instillation and oral use and the possible risk of side effects. The criteria for inclusion of patients in the study were: age 20 years or more, without the presence of any clinical manifestations of ARVI, absence of concomitant relapse. Exclusion criteria were: actual or foresees intolerance of pharmacological agents with a focus on inhibitors of proteolysis, including ACA, predisposition to blood clots and thromboembolic disease, kidney disease with diturb of their functions, coagulopathy, pregnancy, lactation, cerebrovascular pathology, AIDS, alcohol and drug addiction. Also not included in the study individuals who had undergone either by acute respiratory viral infection prior to this study. To solve the problems of the study, during the epidemic period for seasonal influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (December 2013. – February 2014.), 32 practically healthy persons proposed intranasal instillation and oral used solution 5% ACA, produced by “ Iuria-farm “ Ukraine. The average age of subjects was to 29,7 ± 3,2 years. Women and men among them were respectively 27 and 5 persons. Persons were divided into 2 groups. In the 1st group was 17 people, which as a prophylactic antiviral agents was proposed by intranasal instillation of 5% solution of ACA in each nostril 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day for 10 days. The 2nd group consisted of 15 people, who were offered a combination preventive antiviral therapy as intranasal instillation and enteral intake 80-100 ml of 5% solution of ACA per day by dividing the daily dose into 3-4 doses for 10 days. Results and discussion. Clinical observations, which lasted for 3 calendar months period, the off-season epidemic influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in two groups of patients who were in the cells of acute respiratory viral infections have shown that in the 1-st group eventually fell ill three persons while in the second group, where the first study received a combined intranasal, oral prophylactic treatment with 5% solution of ACA during 10 days, cases of seasonal influenza or other acute respiratory viral infection was not observed. It should be note that the three persons in the first group, which was found ARVI from the next day after signs of respiratory infection, it was suggested, with intranasal installation ACA supplemented oral 5% ACA for 7 days. It was observed that these patients catarrhal symptoms regressed on average 5,0 ± 0, 4 days, the duration signs of tracheitis was 3,1 ± 0,3 days. Cough regressed on average : 6,0 ± 0,3 days. Also were recorded signs of hemorrhagic syndrome. In the combined treatment significantly (p < 0. 05) decreased symptoms of intoxication, compared with patients who did not receive these drugs in general, the duration of fever was on average 2,4 ± 0,2 days, headaches 1,9 ± 0,5 days, weaknesses 3,0 ± 0,5 days. Adverse effects from the use of this combination drug have been reported. All of the above is confirmed conclusions of authors of experimental and clinical studies that argue that the ACA as an inhibitor of proteolysis and inhibits the increase of viruses of different types, which greatly reduces the risk of complications. Conclusions. The studies suggest that the ACA as a combined use (nasal-oral) is a more effective drug in the prevention and treatment of seasonal influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. It has a rapid onset of action and high safety profile, and in the event of illness, reduces the period of fever, intoxication and catarrhal symptoms, duration of illness and reduces the risk of complications.
acute respiratory diseases, antiviral drugs, proteolysis inhibitor aminocapronic acid
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 135-138 pages, index UDK [616. 23/. 24 – 002 : 616. 98] – 08 – 084