The Problems of Organization of the Dental Service (according to the survey of dentists)
About the author:
Klimenko V. I., Smirnova I. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Dental health of population can be detector of socio-economic well-being of society, and depends from a number of different factors, one of which is quality of dental care provision to population, that is determined by level of professionalism of medical staff, responsible attitude to the work and satisfaction from it. To provide quality and available health care, it is necessary, above all, to provide its system with resources. Availability of dental care by WHO is determined by a combination of factors, that includes provision of medical staff, their qualifications and professionalism. Aim of work was study of the organization of the dental service (according to the survey of dentists). Survey in order to evaluate the organization of the dental service was conducted by means of closed type questionary of 121 physicians – dentists, that work in dental institutions of different forms of ownership. Age structure of surveyed physicians was next: 21-25 years – 11 people (9,1±0,29%); 26-45 years – 62 people (51,24±0,50%); older 46 years- 48 people (39,67±0,49%). In article is analyzed provision of dentists in Zaporozhye region and it is 2 times less than average index in Ukraine. For a more detailed study of the staff of dentists we analyzed the length of their work. For a more detailed study of the staff’ potential we analyzed the duration of work It is determined, that one third of dentists working in dental institutions of state ownership is people of preretirement and retirement age. Among respondents 70% of surveyed have a professional experience of more than 10 years, and the highest qualificationcategory has only 22,31±0,42%; first – 29,75±0,46%; second – 16,53±0,37%;that indicates untimely attestation dentists. According to the survey 88,43±0,32% of the doctors pass certification in time, that significantly higher than untimely certified dentists – 11,57 ± 0,32% of respondents. While 31,40±0,47% at the time of the survey had no qualification category, among them 10 people aged 21-25 years – young professionals. Among physicians 23%, mainly with experience of 6-10 years, regardless of place of work, are not certified for qualifying category, consider it is not appropriate for them, because of lack of motivation. Despite the lack of attestation in the specialty category 94,21±0,23% respondents pass through qualification courses in time. And all this indicates that, certification as a criterion for assessing the quality of work, loses its meaning, especially in the period of transition to a market economy. While 19,01 ± 0,39% of respondents dentists do not attend business seminars, training programs, courses and lectures. Data on atten- dance of commercial seminars, training programs, courses and lectures by dentists depending on duration of work showed no correlation between them. Non-satisfaction with the organization of work leads to its change. I would also like to reveal the leading causes of changing place of work by dentists, especially depending on the form of ownership of dental clinic (office). The most common causes of leave from dental care clinics of state ownership in a survey are: low salary – 28,92 ±0,46%; dissatisfaction with the material and technical equipment of medical institu- tions – 27,50 ± 0,45%; lack of conditions for professional and career growth – 15,70±0,37%. The main reasons that led to the departure of doctors from private clinics were: dissatisfaction with social package – 14,88 ± 0,36%; low salary and adverse psychological climate in the team for 9,09 ± 0,29% both. Among dentists of public dental institu- tions noted the absence of conditions for professional growth and dissatisfaction with salary three timesmore often, and dissatisfaction with the material-technical base up more than 16 times, that corresponded with data of other researches. In its turn, among the doctors of private structures, 3 times higher is dissatisfaction with social package and 2 times higher with psychological climate in comparison with dentists in public dental institutions. It is common knowledge, that dentists are often exposed at their workplaces to emotional overload that leads to chronic emo- tional stress. However, only 25,62 ± 0,44% of the surveyed doctors are satisfied with the material-technical base in institution where they work at the time of the survey. And 60,83±0,49% of doctors are partially satisfied with mate- rialtechnical base of medical institutions, and together with those who are completely satisfied, is more than three quarters of respondents. It is quite naturally, that 14,05±0,35% of surveyed dentists are completely dissatisfied with the medical facility equipment, cause most of them work in dental institutions of state ownership. According to the results of the above, 64,46±0,48% of respondents consider themselves to be fully realized in the profession. Distribution of respondents according to the length of service was as follows: up to 5 years – 10,28±0,49%, 6-10 years – 14,10±0,35%, 11-15 years – 21,79±0,44% 16-20 years – 12,82±0,34%, 21-25 years-10,26±0,31%, 26-30 years – 15,38±0,36% and more than 30 years – 15,38±0,36%. Thus, the realization as a specialist, in the opinion of the surveyed doctors, does not depend on the length of their work.
organization of the dental service, stuff, work satisfaction
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 153-156 pages, index UDK 614. 21.:616. 31]:303. 62