Lapkina I. I.

Teaching Features of Physiotherapy Treatment Methods of Patients with Complicated Myopia in the System of Post Qualifying Education

About the author:

Lapkina I. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Post qualifying education of ophthalmologist has its own features connected with rapid progress of this area of medicine, the appearance of new methods of diagnostics and treatment of eye diseases, implementations of modern equipment and medical products into clinical practice, all this needs permanent professional growth of specialists. The aim of this work is foundation of methodical approaches to the teaching of physiotherapeutic methods of complicated myopia treatment. In the article we have examined three variants of approaches to the classification of physiotherapeutic methods of ophthalmological treatment: in accordance with interaction object, with aims of interaction and with active factors. Special attention is paid to rare used, but effective method of influence on the body – ozone therapy. On the examples of different stages of complicated myopia treatment the effectiveness of ozone therapy was shown. The research of ozone effects on eye tissues has been carried out with the participation of 141 patients (264 eyes) at the age from 18 to 59 years with complicated myopia of different degree. The patients were divided into three groups. The first group of patients received traditional drugs treatment. In the second group of patients got the complex treatment of myopia with including of ozone therapy (intravenously – as drops). The dosage was 200 ml of ozone­physiological liquor, ozone concentration in which was 2 mg/l. In the third group patients together with traditional therapy into the treatment scheme ozone therapy was included, either intravenously­as drops, or locally – parabulbar, with injection of 0. 5 ml of ozone­physiological liquor, the concentration of ozone in it was 2 mg/l. It has been established that traditional drugs treatment has not led to the rise of visual acuity. The additional use of ozone either intravenously, or in the combination of intravenously and parabulbar injections led to the increase of visual acuity to 19 % in average (from 24 % to 12 % depending on the myopia stage). As a result of ozone therapy we have got the widen of sum field of vision borders up to 26 %, comparing with traditional methods of treatment where max result is only 17 %. Among the patients with complicated form of myopia we have pointed out activation of processes of free­radical oxidation, both on the level of protein metabolism, and on the level of lipid exchange. It has been established that the processes of free­radical oxidation rise with the growth of disease complication. The traditional drugs treatment doesn’t call for active inhibition of oxidation reactions, which serves the future progression of biochemical and clinical disorders among the patients. The treatment of patients with different stages of choreoretinitis changes during the myopia with ozone therapy adding contributes to the lowering of free­radical oxidation processes activity with simultaneous growth of anti­oxide body protection, which significantly improve regional blood circulation, and as a result, increase visual functions. The results of evaluation of regional blood circulation indexes and biochemical indexes proves the growth of treatment effectiveness of complicated myopia with including of ozone therapy, which is caused by the ozone influence on main pathogenetic chains, which conducting the development of chorioethinal dystrophic changes during the myopia. The addition of physiotherapy treatment course in ophthalmology with ozone therapy methods allows raising professional level of specialists, which leads to the improvement of quality and effectiveness of patients with complicated form of myopia treatment.


post qualifying education, physiotherapy, complicated myopia, ozone therapy


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 59-65 pages, index UDK 614. 25: 615. 83: 617. 753. 29