Organization of Classroom Work with Interns Pediatricians in Absentee Internship
About the author:
Podlianova E. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. The main task of the internship is to enhance the level of training of graduates in high medical educational institutions with IIIIV accreditation levels and medical faculties of universities. Conducting training in the form of extramural studies imposes the responsibility for the preparation of a highquality professional not only on teachers of high medical educational institution, but also on the supervisors of interns in the basic institutions of the health system. The aim of research. To discuss the issues of classroom work of supervisors with doctorsinterns. Materials and methods. We analyzed the methodological literature on the issues of organization of classroom work in high school. We discussed those of its forms, which are adapted for practicing doctorsinterns and are used by teachers of Childhood Illness FPO ZSMU and supervisors of internship. Results. According to the main documents that regulate the training in intership on the bases of internships the work with interns can be conducted in classroom and extracurricular forms. Classroom work exists in the form of seminars and clinical rounds and parsings. For the duration of the training on the bases of internships Supervisors of interns must hold 11 seminars (1 per month) and 11 practical lessons in the form of parsings of clinical patients, analyzing of medical records, etcetera. Seminar is one of the most difficult forms of innovative training and education in high school. Seminars are group lessons, conducted under the guidance of a teacher who organizes the discussion around certain themes on which interns prepare theses based on individual assignments (presentations). Seminar has a specific structure. The first are the opening remarks of the teacher, which contains the main purpose of training; relevance of the topic, guidelines on interns speeches. After that the requirements for knowledge and skills of interns in the given subject are discussed. Then interns are offered tests and tasks to determine their initial level of knowledge. To control the knowledge of interns tests and tasks, which are divided into three difficulty levels [4] are used. Next is the main part of the lesson, during which there is a direct discussion on the seminar questions with the use of students’ presentations. The most useful are the seminars where students acquire and practice skills and abilities by playing (business game, role play) or real cases analysing (clinical analysis of particular cases, individual training, working with dummies). The determination of the final level of knowledge and skills is conducted in the form of testing using the tasks of 2nd and 3rd difficulty levels. At the end of the lesson the teacher says the concluding remarks which summarize the results of the lesson and evaluates presentations and gives the guidelines for the preparation for the next lessons. Another type of classroom work with doctors interns is a clinical analysis of patients. The intern who provides the information about the health of his patient must carefully prepare for parsing, know the latest contemporary publications on the topic, which is reporting, and be able to use that knowledge when discussing the patient. The teacher should formulate questions on the report so as to encourage interns in clinical thinking. The main provisions of parsing should be put down into the history of the disease and the «Registration journal of parsings of patients cases with interns,» which is stored by the teacher of interns and is a form of reporting documentation. Clinical round of patients – is another type of classroom work of supervisor of doctorsinterns. During the round doctors briefly report on the progress of the disease of their patients. Then they discuss matching of the diagnosis to the symptoms of the desease, laboratory and instrumental researches data, further medical examination and treatment tactics. While the round the supervisor can evaluate the level of knowledge of the intern on a particular issue of Pediatrics, assign additional tasks for individual work . Particular attention should be paid to intern’s ability to communicate not only with the sick child, but also with his/her family. Conclusion. Thus, in preparing a young doctorintern classroom work is important. Supervisor should be able to perform it efficiently and professionally so that it will be conducive to the interns to obtain highlevel training.
classroom work, internship supervisors, doctors interns pediatriciansclassroom work, internship supervisors, doctors interns pediatricians
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 66-69 pages, index UDK 378. 046021. 68:616053:614. 21