Rychlik S. V.

Modern Approaches in Histology, Cytology, and Embryology Teaching

About the author:

Rychlik S. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The up­to­date teaching in histology, cytology, and embryology course ought to be directed to the students’ acquisition of scientific knowledge of these subjects, that is needed not only for a further successful gaining of knowledge in clinical subjects but also for formation of comprehensive understandings about the microscopic functional morphology of tissues and organs of the healthy human individual, ways of development and developmental characters of cellular, tissue and organic systems. The major tasks of the learning subjects are: the study of structural­functional properties and spatial arrangement of human cells, tissues and organs; the determination of regularities of their embryonic and post­embryonic formation and development; the study of histo­functional properties and features of systems of organs, mechanisms and regularities of their formation and development in embryogenesis, including functional, age­related, adaptive defensive changes and mechanisms of organs and their structural components; formation of students’ science practical skills in proper identification of organs, their comprising tissue elements, cells and post­cellular structures with the help of the microscopic examination of the biological specimen. Solving of the given tasks at high level is possible only with the usage of modern technologies, which include interactive teaching methods as well as introduction of multimedia technologies in the educational process, development of electronic teaching tools like digital histology slide atlas. The aim of the present study was to evaluate current methodological approaches to histology, cytology and embryology teaching in medical school. It was shown that principles in modern teaching of histology, cytology and embryology include modification of study process in form and content according to advanced tendencies, adjustment of contents of study programs to tasks of clinical subjects and students’ future professional needs. The alteration of educational forms assumes the introduction of innovative technologies in traditional students’ academic activities. The usage of multimedia technologies helps to enrich lectures with showing of educational films and digital images of histological slides of organs and tissues, and their number and kind can vary in accordance with arising needs. The use of digital virtual histology slide atlas can be an innovative method of teaching. Digital images of the slide can be an addition as well as a partial substitution of histological slide in the process of getting ready to practical skills test and these images can be made not only by department co­workers but also by students as well. The use of modern interactive technologies allows to enhance the student’s role in the process of training, and to form personal and professional qualities in students. The building and hosting of the digital histology slide atlas on the website of department of histology, cytology and embryology was proposed as a method of improvement of quality and effectiveness of the teaching process, and that atlas should provide the possibility to change fields of vision, zooming, and the possibility to select the object for study and to label it.


histology, cytology, embryology, teaching method, interactive training


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 70-74 pages, index UDK 378. 016:611. 018:611. 018. 1:611. 013