Bojkiv N. D.

Production Dynamics of Angiogenesis Factors of Ischemic Stroke Depending on the Desease Severity

About the author:

Bojkiv N. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


59 patients with ischemic stroke, which were admitted to a hospital within 24 hours after the stroke happened, have been examined. Average age of patients (30 men and 29 women) amounted to 72 [61­77] years old. Localization, character of brain injure were diagnosed with the help of clinical and neurological examination and were confirmed with the information from X­ray computer tomography. The level of neurological deficit was esti­ mated by the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scale. Number of patients with light level of illness amounted to 15, average – 22 severe – 22. Determination of FGFb and VEGF in patients’ blood serum was conducted in 1, 5 and 21 days of acute period of the disease. As far as ischemic stroke has developed in all patients based on hypertension, for comparison purpose, the control group consisting of 25 persons has been created, these persons had been diagnosed with hypertension without signs dyscirculatory disorders of cerebral circulation. Average age of the controlled group persons was 65 [57­70] years old. The difference between the groups was studied with the help of Mann­Whitney and Wilcoxon criteria (respec­ tively for independent and dependent groups). Materiality of the obtained results was estimated with probability level not less than 95 % (р < 0,05). Median and 25 % and 75 % of quartile have been calculated. Results are dis­ played in the following form: Ме [25 %; 75 %]. On the first day of the disease, much higher indicators of angiogenesis factors are noticed in the patients, which were admitted with average (FGFb 29,8 [25,1;31,3] pg/ml (p < 0,01), VEGF 166 [158;183] pg/ml (p < 0,01) and severe (FGFb 34,8 [31,3;38,8] pg/ml (p < 0,01), VEGF 214 [185;232] pg/ml (p < 0,01)) clinical state of ischemic stroke comparing to light one (FGFb 23,0 [19,8;24,0] pg/ml (p < 0,01), VEGF 136 [128;150] pg/ml (p < 0,01)), that is probably a consequence of a larger size of lesions. On fifth and twenty­first days of acute period with light level, the indicator FGFb increases almost twice (30,8 [30,0;38,0] pg/ml (p < 0,01) and 40,4 [35,3;42,6] pg/ml (p < 0,01) respectively), the highest VEGF indicators are detected comparing to other severity levels (272 [238;296] pg/ml (p < 0,01) on fifth and 187 [175;194] pg/ml (p < 0,01) on 21 day) and also control (FGFb 27,3 [24,5;29,4] pg/ml, VEGF 123 [95;129] pg/ml). With the average level, less expressed dynamics of angiogenesis indicators increased has been noticed: FGFb on 5th day amounted to 32,3 [29,4;38,4] pg/ml, on 21st day – 39,7 [34,0;42,0] pg/ml, VEGF 242 [216;255] pg/ml on 5 and 162 [143;180] pg/ml on 21st day, however, the indicators are probably higher (p < 0,01) comparing to the control group. With the severe level of the disease, the contents of FGFb in blood probably is not changed comparing to the beginning of the disease (35,3 [29,9;39,8] pg/ml on 5th day and 38,2 [34,6;40,0] pg/ml on 21st day), the lowest VEGF indicators (225 [205;237] pg/ml were noticed on 5th day and 131 [124;145] pg/ml on 21st day) comparing to other severity levels. This attests that the patients with more severe flow in the dynamics of acute stroke period have interrupted ability to synthesis growth factors as the response to more expressed cerebral ischemia. That is the de­ creased synthesis of growth factors in patients with severe flow of ischemic stroke probably is one of the reasons of interrupted renewal of collateral circulation around the area of cerebral infarction, increase of its size and deepening neurological deficit.


ischemic stroke, growth factors, angiogenesis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 106-109 pages, index UDK 616. 831­005. 1:616­036. 17:616. 16­007. 14.