Frolova G. A., Bogdanova S. A.

Sexual Features of Stress Reactivity White Rats with Consideration of Individual-Typological Peculiari- ties in the Open Field

About the author:

Frolova G. A., Bogdanova S. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The influence social isolation (72 hours) on behavioral indicators male and female white rats given individually­typological characteristics. The aim of the study is to establish the nature of the influence of social stress in male and female white rats with initial different levels of activity indicators of behavior in the open field. The experiment was conducted on 40 laboratory rats (20 females and 20 males). Behavioral activity established under test open field, a marker index which serves as a research activity (RA, the total number of uprights and intersections internal squares); moreover, in the conditions open field set the level of motor activity (MA) as the total number of crossed peripheral squares, the frequency of acts of grooming and the level of emotion was assessed by the number of fecal boles. After control (original) testing females and males on signal name deviation were divided into three subgroups, according to the severity they exploratory behavior in the test. At the next stage of the experiment, the animals were exposed to social stress the animals were placed for 3 days in a separate cell with free access to food and water [5], and then the rats were tested again in the open field. Primary experimental data were processed using standard methods of mathematical statistics. Separation of the test animal population into subgroups with different levels of depression was conducted by signal deviation. To assess the significance of differences between the results of research and monitoring to assess the reliability of the differences between experimental and control data used by U­Mann­Whitney test. Mathematical treatment of the material was carried out using the software package STATISTIKA 6.0 and Excel. Subgroup of females with an average level of activity is maximum and comprised 45 % of the group under study in rats, the share of females with extreme levels of activity are 1/3­1/4 of the initial group of rats. In males, the proportion of rats with medium and low level of activity was 37 and 47 % of the individuals accordingly, the sub­group of highly active males presents 1/6 rats from a study population of animals. Given that experimental animals from birth was kept in the same conditions, received the same food, we can conclude that such psychoemotional factors as the behavioral activity, is genetically determined. Found that rats with an initial different level of activity dynamics of behavioral indicators in the open field are significantly different. In animals with high initial level of activity on the background of the action of stress (social isolation) develops communicative behavior in the deficit, which testifies to the induction of a depression­like state in rats for this subgroup. It is revealed that males of showed greater sensitivity to the action of it are the social isolation that can be caused by the presence of a rigid status within groups of animals. In the group of males are not sensitive to the effects of stress are the source of low animals in female rats with low and medium activity levels in control. Social isolation induces the growth of emotion in animals, regardless of gender or level of behavioral activity.


stress, behavioral activity, the open field, emotionality


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 245-249 pages, index UDK 616­008. 61:57. 017. 32.