Potapov S. N.

Morphology of Testes Embryonic Carcinoma and Yolk-Sac (Endodermal Sinus) Tumor

About the author:

Potapov S. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Testicle’s tumors are not only the most frequent oncologic pathologies in the young men (up to 60 % of all the neoplasms), but they also have the highest oncologic death rate. On the bases of the prosectorium of Kharkiv Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology named after V. I. Shapovalov the analysis of the sickness rate of tumors of testis during the period from 1993 to 2013 has been made. The material of 53 patients was used for the pathomorphological investigations. In-house studies. The number of patients with different tumors of testes during the period from 1993 to 2013 totals to 354 cases. Among tumors of testes the biggest specific gravity has been given to testicular germ cell tumors – 315 (88,98 %) case assessments. Embryonic carcinoma. In this research the embryonic carcinoma is presented by 39 case assessments (12,38 % out of all testicular germ cell tumors). The average age of the patients was 30,85 ± 1,16 years. The tumor invaded the testis totally and sub­totally in 30 (76,92 %) cases, in other 9 cases (23,08 %) the affected region made up to 2/3 of the testicle. The tumor size varied and the average made (93,96 ± 18,37) m3ч10­6, the size of the removed testis made (126,87 ± 22,73) m3ч10­6. The malignant invasion into the paratesticular structures has been observed in 12 case assessments (30,77 %). Gross findings in 24 cases of the tumors (61,54 %) stated secondary alterations. During microscopic investigations the patches of eosinophilic coagulative necrosis were always identified in the tumors, stroma was well­defined and characterized with moderate lymphoid infiltration coupled with inflammatory neutrophilic reaction in 32 cases (82,05 %). The foci of testicular intraepithelial neoplasia were registered in 7 case assessments (17,95 %). The yolk-sac (endodermal sinus) tumor is presented with 14 observations (4,44 % out of all testicular germ cell tumors) in this research. The average age of the patients made 29,57 ± 1,45 years. The size of the removed testis varied and the average made (231,68 ± 106,81) m3ч10­6, the tumor size amounted to (201,39 ± 107,80) m3ч10­6. The tumor invaded the testis totally and sub­totally in 11cases (78,57 %). The malignant invasion into the paratesticular structures has been observed in 3 cases (21,43 %). Gross findings in 8 cases of the tumors (57,14 %) stated secondary alterations. Microscopic investigations indicated the stroma of the yolk­sac tumor to be ill­developed (as opposed to seminoma), and focally or diffusively infiltrated with lymphoid elements. Angioinvasion is stated in all the observations. Conclusion. In this research embryonic carcinoma accounts for 39 observations, which makes 12,38 % out of the total number of testicular germ cell tumors, and yolk sac tumor, in its turn, accounts to 14 observations with 4,44 % out of the total number of testicular germ cell tumors correspondingly. The average index of the size of the surgically removed testis with the observed embryonic carcinoma in it amounts to (126,87 ± 22,73) m3ч10­6 and the average size of the tumor itself is – (93,96 ± 18,37) m3ч10­6. . The average index of the size of the surgically removed testis with the observed yolk­sac tumor in it amounts to (231,68 ± 106,81) m3ч10­6, and the average size of the tumor itself is – (201,39 ± 107,80) m3ч10­6 (significant difference between the mentioned parameters is absent). The average age of the patients with embryonic carcinoma (30,85 ± 1,16 years) is not significantly different from the one of the patients with the yolk­sac tumor (29,57 ± 1,45 years).


testicles’ tumors, embryonic carcinoma, yolk­sac carcinoma


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 324-328 pages, index UDK 616. 681 – 006. 6 – 053. 13 – 091