Novitskaya I. K., Tereshina T. P.

Research Results of Level of Salivation in Functionаl Disorders of Salivatory Glands of Different Genesis

About the author:

Novitskaya I. K., Tereshina T. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the study was to examine the rate of salivation in patients with somatic diseases, taking into account the duration of the etiologic factor causing the decrease in salivary gland function. Materials and research methods. 129 people took part in researches aged from 12 till 79 years. Researches of level of salivation conducted in the morning under identical conditions: not less than in 2 hours after meal and water, and also care of an oral cavity and the drug intake, capable to affect a salivation. Expressed in ml/min. Level of salivation of 0,5 – 1,0 ml/min. is taken for norm. Results of researches and their discussion. Salivation level at persons with specific sialoadenitis (Sjogren’s syndrome) was the lowest (the maximum indicators from 0,24 ml/min. – in an initial stage to total absence – in a late stage). And salivation stimulation only slightly increased volume being allocated a saliva. All patients who are in a late stage of an illness, suffered dryness of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and showed complaints typical for xerostomia: tonque roughness, dryness and irritation of mucous membranes, painful feelings at water and food reception, constant need for moistening of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity. Midle salivation indicator at patients with stress frustration of both groups testified to a giposalivation of 3 degrees. The main difference at persons with a chronic stress and being already in a condition of a depression (distress) consisted that at the first at salivation stimulation the volume of a received saliva, though is insignificant, but increased. At patients with diabetes of 1 type, the more the disease experience, the is lower salivation level. Stimulation of salivation increased the volume of an allocated saliva at a disease experience till 10 years. At 40 % of persons from the last group the xerostomia was observed. It should be noted that at children of the first year of an illness we observed increase in a salivation in relation to norm indicators. At patients with diabetes of 1 type, the more the disease experience, the is lower salivation level. Stimulation of salivation increased the volume of an allocated saliva at a disease experience till 10 years. At 40 % of persons from the last group the xerostomia was observed. It should be noted that at children of the first year of an illness we observed increase in a salivation in relation to norm indicators. Inspection of patients after radiation therapy in the head and a neck showed that in half a year after radiation sharp decrease in a salivation was noted up to the full termination. The majority of patients complained of absolute dryness of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity – total absence of a saliva. 1 year later for inspection only 7 people were and salivation speed at them fluctuated from 0,18 to 0, 31 ml/min., and the middle indicator – 0,23 ± 0,03 ml/ min. – testified still to low level of a salivation, that is to insufficient functional activity of salivary glands. Studying of speed of a salivation at the children accepting preparations of an atropinic row for treatment of bradycardia at the vago – insulin crises, during from 2 weeks to 3 months, showed that average values of level of a salivation were 0,2 – 0,3 ml/min. The administration of drugs within 1 month sharply reduced the volume of an allocated saliva, and in 3 months – observed a giposalivation of 3 degrees. As the results revealed, individuals with different somatic pathology had the decrease of saliva content. The mechanism of salivation reduction had a different ways and it based not only by saliva formation decline but also by changing of saliva excretion. Due to conducted researches, we found­out that a nonspecific sialadenitis accompanied by ductal and parenchymal inflammation. Therefore we should expect saliva formation decline and changing of saliva excretion. Mechanism of salivation reduction at Sjogren’s syndrome is associated with dysfunction of saliva formation and its secreting cells are completely destroyed. In situations when stressful disorders prevalent the dysfunction of saliva formation is reversible. Mechanism of salivation reduction at patients with diabetes is due to hyperactivity of the salivary glands, which leads them to exhaustion, partial or complete atrophy of the parenchyma and further hypoadenia. Therefore, decrease saliva excretion is associated with a decrease of its formation. Patients after radiotherapy of the head and neck areas have salivation reduction due to damage of parenchyma and ducts of the salivary glands and thereafter lack of saliva formation and its excretion. During medication of anticholinesterase drugs the sialoschesis is a consequence of dysfunction of parasympathetic regulation of saliva formation and excretion.


sialoschesis, somatic pathology, saliva forming, salivation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 369-374 pages, index UDK 616. 316­008. 811+611­06