Mel’nikova S. V.

Comparative Analysis of Blood Glucose Indices of Dentists in Different Conditions of Professional Activity

About the author:

Mel’nikova S. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The results of our own research, that were carried out earlier, found out that prevailing diseases of Ukrainian dentists are pathologies of gastrointestinal tract, osteomuscular and nervous systems. High level of anxi­ ety and frustration, predominance of vegetative tone of sympathetic section of vegetative nervous system and car­ diovascular stresses were found in female groups of dentists. According to the fact that one of the indices of regula­ tory mechanisms condition of organism is change of blood glucose index, we investigated this index in groups of dentists under different conditions of professional activity. We examined 71 healthy Ukrainian dentists before and after outpatient dental reception – active work. Age of ex­ amined persons was 35 – 45. Gender staff was 35 (49,3 %) men and 36 (50,7 %) women. Checking group consisted of 76 students of dental department of the same age, 37 (49,0 %) of whom were men and 39 (51,0 %) women, at­ tending lectures – passive activity. The research was carried out according to the model “before/after” and “experi­ ence/сontrol” taking into account circadian rhythms in the first shift (7.30 – 14.00). Blood glucose index was gaged on the basis oforthotoluidne method. Taking of capillary blood was carried out twice (before and after shift directly on the workplace) with the help of commonly accepted method. Selection of statistic methods was realized according to the character of sign, form of distribution and research model. The check of statistic hypotheses was carried out on level of meaning 0,05. Correlative analysis was carried out. Blood glucose index in male and female groups of dentists was normal before outpatient dental reception and had no significant sex differences. The same results were taken in male and female student groups of dental department. It was found that active professional activity (outpatient dental reception) in male and female groups was accompanied with glucose index increase that testifies to mental emotional loading in given professional group. Passive professional activity (lectures) in male and female groups of dentists was accompanied with glucose index reduction. Gender peculiarities of reaction were found during active and passive professional activity. After lectures male group of dentists had more significant tendency to glucose index reduction than female group of dentists in comparison with initial data. Male group of dentists (active professional activity) had more significant tendency to glucose index increase after work. The results of correlative analysis and other physiological indices detected that after outpatient dental recep­ tion men­dentists had some changes in blood: blood glucose level had positive connections with speed amount of erythrocytes sedimentation and amount of basophils, negative connections with Kerdoindex, that is accounted for physical and emotional stress in organism. The other significant feature of male dental group before outpatient dental reception is negative correlative connection of empathy level with glucose level in blood. This fact proves that empathy of other’s pain demands of great energy costs from doctor and influences on glucose metabolism in his organism. In female group of dentists after outpatient dental reception positive correlative connections of glucose level in blood with number of leucocytes and heart rate amount were found. This foundation is explained by psychic and physical stress in organism and confirms our previous research. We found out correlative connections between glucose index and other physiological rates in blood of men­ dentists and women­dentists after outpatient dental reception. This fact proves different gender reaction on work stress.


dentist, professional activity, professional stress, outpatient dental reception, lectures, blood glu­ cose indices.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 396-400 pages, index UDK 612. 8: 37. 011. 32