Shevchenko V. V.

Advanced Solutions in Management of Educational Process at the Department of Emergency Medi- cine with Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy

About the author:

Shevchenko V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The experience in management of educational process within the Department of Emergency Medi- cine with Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, as the primary structural unit at higher medical educational institution, has been analyzed and summarized. Use of state-of-the-art information technologies in the management of educational process gives the follow- ing advantages: objective and transparent assessment of the level of students’ knowledge, skills and practices, as well as time saving for educator during the evaluation; preparation and conduct of studies; preparation of reported documents, reports on teaching and methodological and scientific activity of the Department, in particular, as well as visualization of its results in the form of tables, charts and diagrams; storage of the history data. Consequently, the educator has extra time for further improvement of publications in teaching and methodology for the study subject, implementation of scientific projects, organizational and tutorial work with students, improve- ment of his/her cultural standards, learning of foreign language, etc. The major objectives at the current stage of educational process management is the enhancement of local department sub-system of on-line education through the Internet and the development of e-teaching and meth- odological publications with its further certification, as well as mastering of computer skills by educators for distant learning. The Department of Emergency Medicine with Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy hosts the newly- organized inter-department training center for Accident and Emergency Medicine, which has been effectively running over a year. Development of practical skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, performed on the dummy and acquaintance with multi-media study materials on emergency medical aid facilitates the learning process on Accident and Emergency Medicine and visually illustrates the way the first aid provision may vary, depending on topographic and anatomic features of structure of chest and chest cavity; neck and cervical organs; heart; great vessels; respiratory tracts; skeleton, etc., of the individual, i. e., illustrate one more time a fundamental knowledge in clinical anatomy and highly motivate to master practical skills. On-line education as a new educational informational environment may create a range of psycho-educational problems in communication between educators and students, i. e.: difficulties in making individual contacts be- tween educator and student as well as be constantly motivated to acquire knowledge during the whole period of learning the subject and lowering of working effectiveness in small group of students as a whole, since individual modes of information perceiving is not taking into consideration. This is very important in teaching of future physi- cians as experts with high and specific communicative abilities, which are formed mostly in the studentship. Despite the fact that computer, as well as multi-media educational systems, video and audio means, e-books and libraries are effective for students’ expertise, they are at a disadvantage as for traditional methods of teaching at higher na- tional educational institutions in terms of acquiring skills for communication with patients, their relatives and future colleagues (physicians, nurses, etc.). Thus, on-line education may be considered as the most advanced technology in management of educational process at the Department of Emergency Medicine with Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy. On-line edu- cation stimulates students to continuous self-education and study for a lifetime in compliance with the require- ments of integration of higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine into European and world informational environment. The authors hope that the synergy of on-line education with traditions of current national medical education will enhance the quality of preparation of the staff at higher medical educational institutions.


management of educational process, on-line education, operative surgery, topographic anatomy, emergency medicine


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 23-26 pages, index UDK 616 – 089+614. 88]:378. 14