Lyakhova N. O., Nesterenko O. N.

A Condition of Dental Services in Ukraine

About the author:

Lyakhova N. O., Nesterenko O. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of this investigation is to inspect modern condition of dental services in Ukraine. The object of a research is dental services in Ukraine. There are following methods of investigation: bibliosemantic method is for study and analysis of dental services, epidemiologic one is for evaluation and detection of a level of dental diseases and patient’s need in stomatological services. Results. Dental services are kind of professional medical benefits, directed on person’s health. So, dental service is necessary and important action referred only to a patient with preventive, diagnostic, medical and rehabilitative aim. As a result, dental service is a kind of an action directed to prevention of dental diseases, their diagnostics and type of treatment. Dental practice management is a system of customer’s and shop assistant’s interaction of dental goods. This interaction causes an exchange between participants of market. Customers are users who obtain dental services and goods. Shop assistants are dental institutions or dentists that have a license for a practice, perform private practice and sell dental goods. A market is formed by customers and shop assistants. As a result of market relations customers and shop assistants are satisfied by exchange results. Health protection as a field of general establishment consists of some characteristics which destroy an action of market mechanism. A part of medical services has peculiarities of “public goods”. Economic theory points out special type of economic activities known as (“public goods”). In order to satisfy service needs in all countries there is so called a sector of “public health protection”. Sanitation and epidemiological centers, public health establishments and others are the part of public health protection. These institutions are usually financed by state budget. Other characteristics of medical services have more important significance. They determine a defection from traditional market model. Economic theory defines these defections as “market failures”. They include an inadequate user’s awareness, impossibility of choice of necessary goods and services, impossibility of choice of necessary dental services, because they are determined only by a doctor. Conclusions. Dental services market is a market of incomplete contest. It closes to such structures which are classified as oligopoly. These developments inevitably affect the behavior of producers; change their primary goals, the system of costs that also requires specific regulation of processes that occur in these market structures of state. Especially there is an important role of accessibility and equability of medical service. The amount of medical services consumption cannot be determined only by the level of person’s solvency. The basis of field development is a principle of public solidarity: for example a rich man pays for poor one; healthy person pays for sick one. A realization requires active government interference. Prospects for further investigations. A formation of dental services, presence of private dental organizations, defined potential for further reform of state dental organizations contribute to the practical study of management and government regulation of health care.


dental services, market relations, government regulation of health protection


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 47-50 pages, index UDK 616. 31(477)