Sargosh O. D.

Evaluation of School Children Catering in Poltava

About the author:

Sargosh O. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Health of children defines future well-being of the nation, further economic and spiritual advance, standard of living, culture and science. Currently Ukrainian nation is experiencing high morbidity levels of children against the background of unfavorable demographic situation; rates of somatic and neurologic-and-behavioral development are getting worse; active persistency and diversity of children diseases is observing; depopulation phenomenon is intensifying, caused by both critical ecological situation and impetuous worsening of social and economic living conditions. Nutrition is one of the major factors of life support, which have a great impact on the state of child’s health. Rational nutrition is the strong factor in the prevention of many diseases, facilitating optimal physiological functioning of the organism, strengthening of immunity and body resistance to unfavorable factors of the environment. Normal functioning of protective- and -adaptive systems of a child organism depends on supply with all necessary macro- and micronutritients. Special interest is given to the analysis of nutrition of school-age children. A great variety of publications draw upon this problem. However, currently, nutrition of school children is still a serious problem, as many issues have not been solved yet. Since in current economic and financial recession the structure of nutrition of many families is getting worse, one of the possible measures to prevent further morbidity among children due to the deficit of adequate and balanced ration, should be school nutrition. Real nutrition has been studied in the organized groups of children at high schools in Poltava. The results have been analyzed and hygienic nutrition of school children has been evaluated in Poltava for the period from 2008 to 2013. Aggregated data and rations have also been analyzed. The results of the study within the period from 2007 to 2013 established that in 2012 /2013 academic year, school children of 1-11 grades in Poltava were the best provided with hot meals and constituted 89 %, mainly due to free provision of children, entitled to a benefit, and children of 1-4 grades, with meals. Maximum hot meals and shacks coverage of school children of 1-11 grades was also admitted in 2012/2013 academic year and constituted 98 % (96 % in comparison with 2010/2011 academic year). Special attention should be paid to nutrition of children from the youngest age group, i. e., from 6 to 10 years old (1-4 grades), which constitutes 30-33 % of all school children. Hot meals coverage of school children of 1-4 grades, as of the end of 2013, constitutes 99,8 % (provided at the expense of budgetary funds). Considerably worse rates of hot meals coverage are with school children of 5-11 grades. Hot meals in school canteens are popular with no grater then 40 % of senior high school children. Snacks are more preferable for the majority of school children. Conclusions. The results of the analysis of local high school children catering in Poltava established that: 1. The highest rates of hot meals coverage of school children of 1-11 grades with were in 2012 /2013 academic year and constituted 89 %. 2. All kinds of nutrition coverage of school children of 1-11 grades, hot meals and snacks, in particular, was also maximal in 2012/2013 academic year and constituted 98 %. 3. Hot meals coverage of school children of 1-4 grades is considerably better than of school children of 5-11 grades. 4. Current catering at school requires more detailed analysis and normalization.


hygienic evaluation of nutrition, catering, school nutrition


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 58-61 pages, index UDK 613. 22 (477. 54)