Tarasenko O., Myronchuk L., Zabara O., Trubachova I.

Mobility of the Lumbar Spine in the Sagittal Plane by Radiographic Features on Vertebral and Spinal Injury in Practice MCEK

About the author:

Tarasenko O., Myronchuk L., Zabara O., Trubachova I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The spine is one of the most difficult in anatomical and functional terms, it composed of many heterogeneous tissues, anatomical structures and function components. Spine performs many important functions: axis resistance, static, amortization, protection. One of the most important functions is to provide mobility rights. Mobility of the spine is possible due to the complex interaction of the vertebral bodies, inter vertebral discs and joints. At the level of any segment of the spine mobility is low, but the amount movements generally is wide. Practically all damage or loss of spine mobility increases or individual segments or spine as a whole which significantly affects the patient’s condition. The main method by which we can learn mobility of the spine, both in normal and in pathology are radial, the most affordable and functional radiography is used (conventional or digital), but many specific indicators of severity of bends spine resulted only in individual work, so this issue needs further study. The aim of the study was to investigate the mobility of some spine in the sagittal plane in patients with consequences of vertebral and spinal lumbar injuries, which were analyzed by X-ray and functional spondylohrams in lateral projection 85 patients aged 23 to 72 years. Determination of the lordosis was conducted by the method Cobba. Results. X-rays of functional tests in lateral projection may show lordosis straightening or strengthening, and displacement of the vertebrae to the front or backward. Simultaneous displacement of two or more vertebrae in the same direction is defined as the stepped offset. Accepted provide four types of violations of mobility of the spine: 1 – hypermobility, 2 – hipomobility 3 – instability, 4 – complete lack of mobility. Wedge deformation with a reduction up to 1 /2 of the vertebral body was detected in 58 % of patients who meet the II degree of compression, with decreased height of more than half of the body, which corresponded to the III. compression – in 37 % of patients. The vast majority (82 %) patients showed bone (or bone and fibrous) block traumatically affected vertebra, often formed of a block located caudal vertebra. In 4 % of patients showed bone block between the articular processes of the vertebral bodies. All patients with vertebral effects of spinal injuries of the lumbar spine mobility violations noted in the lumbar region – 9 % in the form of hypermobility of the affected segments, 16 % as hipomobility, 37 % in the form of instability and 38 in a complete lack of mobility.


lordosis, functional radiographs, vertebral- spinal injury


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 200-203 pages, index UDK 616-073. 7, 612. 769; 616-001: 617. 547, 616-036. 86