Makeyev V. F., Skalskyi V. R., Kyrmanov O. S.

Strength Characteristics and Determine the Types of Fracture of Polymeric Materials for Temporary Fixed Prosthetics Acoustic Emission Method

About the author:

Makeyev V. F., Skalskyi V. R., Kyrmanov O. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Amongthemostcontroversialaspectsoftheclinicaluseoffixed-piececonstructionistheissueoftempo- rary prosthetics. Temporary prosthesis – intermediate phase that provides protection, stabilization and function of the teeth-jawsystemuntilthepermanentfixationoftheprosthesisandisamandatorystepinmanufacturedfixedstructures. Temporary prosthesis for a period of constant production design, protect teeth and pulp after preparation, perform aesthetic and phonetic features – prevent movement of the teeth due to restoration of lost between occlusal and interdental contacts normalize marginal periodontal tissue condition and prevent the “ thrust “ of gum on a ledge in the case under ‘ gingival preparation. Unfortunately, today, the International standardizing Organization (ISO) standards not specifically a group of cold polymerization of plastics, which are used to make temporary fixed prostheses. Until now, these materials include dental appointment to a common group of plastics. That is why there is a significant difference in the meth- ods of investigation of plastic for temporary dentures and there are some difficulties in comparing the physical properties of plastics. These physical and mechanical properties of plastics for temporary prosthesis critical clinical importance are their strength and hardness. The aim of research – to assess the characteristics of strength and fracture types of polymers for temporary prosthesis according to the results of acoustic emission signals during the quasi-static tensile laminar samples. AE method enables to identify different mechanisms of fracture in structural materials (polymeric, composite), and their temporal localization provides wavelet transform (EP) AEsignals. Implementation research methodology performed using the quasi-static fracture during tensile specimens with polymer materials provisionally ProtempTM 4 (3M ESPE, USA), Akrodent (AO STOMA, Ukraine), Structur 2SC (VOCO, Germany), Tempron 1 -1PKG (GC, Japan), Ceramill PMMA (AmannGirrbach, Austria). According to the criterion of identifying types of fracture of structural materials according to the NPP in the early stages of most poly- mers (Tempron, Akrodent, Protemp, Ceramill) generated AE signals corresponding to the viscous- brittle fracture ( 0,1 0,2 ). The article originally appeared Structur AE signals that correspond to ductile fracture (0,1), and the subsequent load is dominated by brittle mechanisms, as evidenced by the strong performance criterion param- eter corresponding AE signals (0,5 ). AE signals the emergence of alternate high and low values of parameter «κ» (see table). Could be interpreted as an alternation macro-cracking material to form plastic zones before “macro- crack” respectively. Based on the analysis of diagrams destruction, surface microstructure of materials and value of criterion param- eter types of destruction «κ» can be argued that all dental polymers used in the experiments are destroyed “quasi- brittle”. The strongest material is ProtempTM 4, and can be considered the most fragile – Strustur 2SC. Ceramill PMMA polymer has the lowest strength, but begins to break down under load exceeding the figure for the rest of the polymers.


temporary non-removable dentures, polymeric materials, acoustic emission, and strength types of fracture


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 222-228 pages, index UDK 616. 379-008. 64: 616. 36. 369