Abdul – Ogly L. V., Demjanenko I. A., Kozlovskaja A. A., Zima A. F.

Morphometric Parameters of the Umbilical Cord at Infringenment of the Formation of the Placenta

About the author:

Abdul – Ogly L. V., Demjanenko I. A., Kozlovskaja A. A., Zima A. F.



Type of article:

Scentific article


A study exstraembryonic organ was conducted on embryos 8 – 42 weeks. Research was conducted on embryos of man of prenatal ontogenesis. Infringements of the formation of the umbilical cord, first of all, are connected with the vessels, being located in it, which depending on the high-grade development have the various period of the torsion and, hence, the period of the reciprocal pulsation, providing the trophic function for a placenta and, further for an embryo and a fetus. As a result, the important indicator of the development of the umbilical cord is its anthopometrical data. As a result of researches we have defined laws of changes of morphometric parameters of the umbilical cord at the infringement of the differentiation of the chorionic villi as result of the infringement of epithelial-mesenchymal transformations. Since the fetal period of the prenatal ontogenesis, the umbilical cord gets a helicoid move and starts to grow quickly at length. As a result of researches at the development of the chorion in norm by the 9th week of the development the quantity of coils equels 11, and by the termination of the first trimes- ter (by the 13th week) – 14 curls. Thus, within 4 weeks,the formation of 5 curls was on the average observed. It is necessary to notice, that in embryogenesis the intensity of the formation of curls is more expressed in comparison with the fetal period considering morphometric parameters. But at the infringement of the formation of the chorion, that was proved to be true diagnostic criteria of the normal course of the prenatal development, the tendency to the hypotortuosity, that is the reduction of the quantity of curls, was marked. As vessels as the part of the umbilical cord and their normtortuosity influences the reciprocal pulsation of the umbilical arteries – veins and, hence, the delivery of the arterial blood to a fetus, the changes, being connected with the infringement of the helicoid course of vessels and their quantity indicator of curls are the reason of hypoxic and, probably, ischemic changes, influencing the development of the fetus and organs. The tortuosity of the umbilical cord is inversely proportional to its length: the more the length of the cord is expressed, the less the quantity of curls one has, that has proved to be true in results of our researches. It is necessary to notice, that at the infringement of the formation of the placenta not only the retardation of the fetus occurs as a whole, but also changes of structural features of the umbilical cord occur which is an integral part of the system mother – an embryo – a fetus – an umbilical cord. As a result at infringement of the formation of the placenta in the umbilical cord the change of the length with the tendency to increase and hypotortuosity was observed. So, the length of the umbilical cord had been changed during the fetal period of the prenatal ontogenesis with 17,0 ± 1,3 sm in 13 – 15 weeks up to 62,7 ± 0,5 in 40 – 42 weeks, and the quantity of curls had varied from 8 – 9 in 9 weeks up to 11 in 13 weeks.


embryogenesis, morphological changes in the chorion, fiber of chorion, the vascular channel of chorion, umbilical coiling


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 254-257 pages, index UDK 611. 12:611. 013. 8:572. 7