Melnyk N. S.

Experience in Using the «Case-Method» in Education Process at Therapeutic Stomatology Depart- ment, IFNMU in Issue «Periodontal Disorders»

About the author:

Melnyk N. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In order to reform the higher dental education, it is necessary to introduce methodological innovations, associated with interactive methods of teaching. The method of analysis of specific situations is among the leading methods of interactive teaching (known as case-study method); it consists in an active problem-situational analysis, based on learning through solving specific problems – situations (i. e., solving cases). In order to solve practical problems, theoretical knowledge is used by the «case-study» method, contributing to independent thinking, ability to listen to an alternative opinion, take it into account and ground one’s own view. This method lets students reveal and improve analytical skills, learn to work in team, find the most rational solution of a problem. In this regard, it is advisable to apply it for senior students and medical interns at the end of course of a particular subject; such students, having sufficient «baggage» of knowledge, can acquire professional-creative thinking. To implement the case-study method in training process, a teacher has to perform certain functions, namely: gnoseological, designing, constructive, organizational, communicative and educative ones. This requires improving efficiency of work of the teacher himself, who applies the situational method of teaching, as well as improving quality of the educational process, as the pedagogical potential of case-study method is much larger and more modern, than the potential of traditional methods of education. This method assumes, that a teacher shall constantly interact with a student by choosing appropriate forms of behavior, and not only during practical classes, but also at consultations. In Therapeutic Dentistry, application of case-study method at practical classes allows to implement the following modern didactic practices: teacher’s individual approach to each student, in particular in the academic group; encouraging a student to process information; providing him with maximum freedom in learning, without burdening with a large amount of theoretical material, but by focusing his attention on the major themes of practical session; forming clinical practical skills, operative professional skills etc. At this lesson a teacher draws attention to development of student’s strengths as those of a future dentist. The aim of our research was testing and implementing the case-study method in the educational process at the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, determining its effectiveness in studying «parodontal diseases». In particular, attention was paid to the following purposes: one had to learn, how to use theoretical background for analyzing practical problems, asking questions, acquiring systemic integrated clinical thinking, professional clinical skills, ability to perceive and solve a clinical problem from many aspects. Thus, this innovative technology allows to improve the quality of students’ education, as it encourages them to independently study scientific and methodical literature, helps to form self-education skills, lets master the methods of analyzing the facts, events and issues under consideration. The case-study method promotes development of communication in the applied dental activity, helps students collectively solve specific clinical problems. The case- study method makes it possible to objectively assess knowledge, practical and professional skills of students, moreover, it builds clinical thinking of each student and his intellectual potential. No doubt, this method increases teacher’s efficiency and contributes to his professional growth.


interactive methods, case-method, therapeutic stomatology, periodontal disorders


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 37-40 pages, index UDK 378. 147+616. 314