Popadynets O. H.

Development of Educational and Scientific Cognition of the Students during the Study of Human Anatomy

About the author:

Popadynets O. H.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In today’s demanding and rapidly changing socio-economic environment, level of education, its influence on personal development, largely depends on the effectiveness of implementation of learning technologies, based on the new methodological principles, modern pedagogical principles, psychological and pedagogical theories which develop activity approach to learning. In the chair of Human Anatomy the experience of teaching the subject shows that approximation of the learning cognition to the scientific one with the aim to develop students’ creative abilities, can only be based on a special class of conditional scientific-cognitive activity and its elements. In other words, the approximation of academic knowledge to the scientific one is possible on the basis of imitation of scientific-cognitive situations that could or must be in the basis of a science. It allows to bring creative learning activity of the students to the conditions and situations with which they may encounter in their future careers. Thus, to achieve the highest creative activity of students in the study of Human Anatomy is possible only through the development of such educational model of the scientific knowledge process, which includes all the serial cascade of problems that are complicated, united by the only conceptual apparatus. Cleverly chosen algorithm of professional problem situations and their independent solution by the students helps not only bring learning cognition to the scientific knowledge, but also to achieve both a highly intellectual and substantive work of students with the aim to develop their creative abilities. Teaching experiment is the source of subjectively new empirical facts for the students, that is the original item in their interpretation based on conceptual contents, which ultimately contributes to the development and establishment of their theoretical knowledge. It is a necessary factor in the formation of conceptual apparatus of listeners and idealized objects of theoretical knowledge, through which the generation and reproduction of subjectively new knowledge for them is performed, not directly stimulated by the empirical study. Under the functioning educational system of demonstrational physical experiment is considered the co-activity of the teacher together with students, aimed at training and playing of experimental studies of physical phenomena and their application in practice, performed in accordance with general didactic methods, principles of teaching and learning objectives. The main components of the demonstrational physical experiment as a teaching system are: the object of research, teaching technical facilities of the experimental study, teacher activity aimed at the preparation and performance of the experiment, and the activity of students, connected not only with the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also with the development of their thinking, experience of creative activity. Years of experience shows that in a high school there is sufficient capacity to design and build new modern technologies, laboratory experiments performance, that allows slightly improve overall understanding. Analyzing pedagogical concept of “the principle of learning”, “active learning method” the theoretical justification of the place and role of productive learning in the teaching and learning activity was given, and also it was shown that the achievements of highly creative activity of high school students are possible on the basis of educational research and cognitive process that includes the solution of research problems which gradually become more complex. Effective training of healthcare professionals is only possible through the development of this educational model of the scientific knowledge process, which contains a serial cascade of all the problems which are complicated. The basic directions for further research in the chosen direction can be regarded as a comparative analysis of active learning methods effectiveness in teaching specific disciplines of the chair of Human Anatomy, the study of psychological-educational conditions of improvement the quality of learning by experts in medical specialties using the traditional and innovative teaching techniques of the specific disciplines, and didactic peculiarities of the implementation of the active methods of training to develop the creative component of the future professionals skills.


Human Anatomy teaching methods


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 41-43 pages, index UDK 316. 4. 063. 3+378. 147+37. 011. 32