Kostyuk S. S.

An Influence of Gamma-Irradiation on a Leukogram of Blood of Rabbits

About the author:

Kostyuk S. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of an investigation was to study an influence of gamma-irradiation on rabbits’ leukogram. An investigation was performed on ten rabbits American White Rabbits breed who were selected according to analogue principles. Animals were irradiated by X-rays DL = 50, which contained 1000 Р -190 кВ, А – 20 mА, focal extent was 62 cm, filters were Cu – 0,5, Аl – 1 mm., capability was 20 per minute. Aluminium and copper filters were used for filtration of soft rays. Radiation was total and single-step. Results and discussion. Eosinophils, basophils and monocytes did not develop significant changes after irradia- tion and our attention paid only on changes of lymphocytes and pseudoeosinophils percentage. During first days after irradiation a percentage of segmented and stab pseudoeosinophils significantly increased almost twofold, my- elocytes and neurtophils appeared in peripheral blood. So, segmented pseudoeosinophils in blood on control group contained 21,0 ± 7,41 %, but during the first day after irradiation it increased to 40,0 ± 16,04 %, stab pseudoeosino- phils were 4,5 ± 1,12 % normally, but eventually it became 18,0 ± 8,0 %, myelocytes and neurtophils were 6,5 ± 2,58 % and 2,0 ± 0,08 %. During the fifth day myelocytes percentage increased and became 4,0 ± 0,16 %, but neurtophils reached to 9,0 ± 4,1 %. Subsequently a percentage of mature forms of pseudoeosinophils decreased, but to the end of the investigation they did not disappear from a leukogram. So, during the 15th day myelocytes percentage contained 9,0 ± 3,8 in rabbits leukogram, neurtophils percentage consisted of 25,5 ± 8,86, during 36th day was 1,0 ± 0,05 і 4,5 ± 1. 2, but at the end of an investigation percentage contained 0,5 ± 0,01 і 0,5 ± 0,04 %. Subsequently, beginning from the 15th day it is observed a decrease of myelocytes, neurtophils, pseudoeosinophils percentage but in rabbits blood they were to the end of investigation. Compared to pseudoeosinophils gamma-irradiation inhibits lymphopoiesis. So, during the fifth day of an investi- gation lymphocytes percentage increased in 4 times, but general lymphocyte percentage increased twofold. So, lym- phocyte percentage contained 70,0 ± 21,. 11 % normally, but during the fifth day it increased to 32,5 ± 10,09 %, during the 15th day it contained 37,5 ± 14,4 %, on the 56th day it increased to 52,0 ± 15,39 %, but on the 76th day it contained 58,0 ± 14,06 %. Stab pseudoeosinophils percentage contained 4,5 ± 1,12 %, in a leukogram of rabbits’ blood on the fifth day it increased to 29,0 ± 3,16 %, but on the 15th it decreased to 25,5 ± 8,86 %., on the 36th day it contained 6,5 ± 1,86 %, but on the 76th day, it increased and contained 8,5 ± 3,16 % (normally 4,5 ± 112 %). Segmented pseudoeosinophils percentage changed during an investigation as well as stab ones it increased by gamma-irradiation and contained 27,0 ± 8,06 % normally (21,0 ± 7,41 % normally). Conclusions. Gamma-irradiation caused an increase of segmented and stab pseudoeosinophils percentage in a leukogram in blood of rabbits. Myelocytes and neurtophils appeared and retained during an investigation which should be absent in the leukogram. Lymphocyte percentage increased in the leukogram due an influence of gamma- irradiation. Gamma-irradiation caused lymphopenia. Prospects for further investigation. An influence of gamma-irradiation on rabbits’ leukogram by treatment of pyri- doxine is planned to be studied in future.


rabbits, X-ray, leukogram, pseudoeosinophils, lymphocytes


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 62-64 pages, index UDK 636. 92: 619: 615. 9