Absettarova A. I.

Changes in the Morphological Blood Picture of the Rats after Experimental Radiation Exposure and its Correction by Xenogenic Cerebrospinal Fluid

About the author:

Absettarova A. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


One of radioprotektive factors is a xenogenic cerebrospinal fluid. A purpose of our investigation is to сhanges in the morphological blood picture of the rats after experimental radiation exposure and its correction by xenogenic cerebrospinal fluid as radioprotective biological substrate. The study of its biological properties executed on normal anatomy department of Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievskiy (Simferopol). The article is devoted to revealing and studying of the morphological changes of the irradiated Wistar rats’ blood after parenteral injection of xenogenic cerebrospinal fluid in different periods of postnatal development (newborn, immature, mature). The article presents the results of the experiment for the study of the influence of xenogeneic cerebrospinal fluid (XCSF) on morphological blood picture in Wistar rats. Lactating cows aged 4-6 years were taken as cerebrospinal fluid donors. The effect of cerebrospinal fluid was studied by classical clinical laboratory methods. It was found that cerebrospinal fluid preparation caused different inhibiting effects on destructive processes in blood cells, that is associated with the presence of broad spectrum of biological active substances in mammalian cerebrospinal fluid. Significant improvement in blood cellularity, inhansing recovery of hematopoiesis, reducing toxic effects of radiation and the safety of the blood-marrow barrier were proved by the results of the experiment in all age groups. The data obtained allow to consider XCSF as the radioprotective remedy with multivector effects. The evident radioprotective effect was proved by the analyses of the destructive processes degree in blood cells of the rats exposed to total body radiation at 5 Gr and 3- and 10-times infusions of cerebrospinal fluid. Findings testify to activating of regenerator and strengthening processes at the correction of consequences of irradiation by introduction of cerebrospinal fluid. However the least degree of expressed these processes are had in the old age group, that is cerebrospinal fluid, probably, with the decline of activity of adaptation mechanisms. Morphofunctional indexes age-dependent dynamics experimental studying on white rats after a xenogenic CSF parenteral injections at various ontogenetic periods. Cerebrospinal fluid shown as a morphological substrate at the homeostasis anatomophysiological component and also shown it’s role in the intersystemic nervous and endocrine regulation. It allows to formulate a new scientific conception of xenogenic cerebrospinal fluid morphophysiological regulatory effects (Bessalova Ye. Yu., Pikaluk V. S. 2010-2013). That provides their systemic cognition at leading intention to disclose liquor’s regulatory physiological role at an organism (Bessalova Ye. Yu., 2013). Considering no immunopathological response while the experimental study onto injection of cerebrospinal fluid and it’s anatomophysiological effects complex assessment there were set up challenging perspectives for directional bioactive drug product to be developed on a base cow’s cerebrospinal fluid and to be used in fields of medical and veterinary science, animal breeding and experimental morphology. The results of the research have been practiced during the other investigation and may be a predisposition for the collaboration of drug preparation on the base of cerebrospinal fluid.


blood, cerebrospinal fluid, radiation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 75-78 pages, index UDK 611:611-018. 46:611. 832:612. 6