Zagurovskyi V. M.

The Factors of Consolidation of the Strategy Structure of the Person’s Behavior as Psychosomatic Pathology

About the author:

Zagurovskyi V. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Despite the huge number of studies of mental and somatic units of psychosomatic disorders is still no concept of forming a single psychosomatic mechanism, the dynamics of its appearance, development and pos- sible outcomes. It is very important to conduct a comprehensive treatment, primary and secondary prevention of violations. The present study focuses on the factors that consolidate these links into a single pathogenetic mecha- nism of disease, as in the formation of permanent and paroxysmal manifestations. The following methods were used during conducting the research: psychodiagnostic, clinical psychopathologic, instrumental studies and sta- tistical data processing. Among 302 patients with vascular dystonia, 298 of them with Hypertension of I-‪I degree. Phenomenology and relationship of mental, autonomic and somatic components of paroxysmal and permanent displays, medi- cal history were studied. The results were processed using the following methods: multivariate statistics – factor analysis (principal components method); The evaluation of mathematical statistical samples; Fisher’s criterion an- gular transformation. The following 2 syndromes form the clinical picture of critical condition: psychovegetative dysfunction and stress response. The flows of pathology were set – psychosomatic and somatopsychic. Above mentioned flows(tendencies) have psychovegetative or vegetosomatic nature of paroxysmal and permanent manifistations. In the history of the disease there were detected: 1) psychological and vegetosomatic peculiarities, 2) reduced resis- tance to stress with psychophysical response evasion, avoidance, 3) negative emotional experiences and painful bodily sensations under load 4) the lack or inadequacy of compensatory behavior, 5) risk factors, 6) the internal model of the disease. Types of preclinical psychovegetative features correspond to psychosomatic and somato- psychic options of paroxysmal manifestations of analyzed pathology . Data of factor analysis allow to suggest about the formation, on the basis of pre-clinical features of the evolving pathological strategy in person’s behavior , in- cluding a way to respond (paroxysmal manifestations) and mode of personality ‘s behavior (permanent manifesta- tions). These units form psychosomatic way of behavior. The presence of frustrating circumstances in the locus of psychophysical characteristics with psychophysical tension of the stress level, the effect of triggering factors, the development of acute of psychovegetative regulation, accompanied with stress reaction and affectively narrowed state of consciousness form the psychosomatic way of respond. The types of behavior and response strategies are levels of individual behavior. Fixing them in a single pathogenetic mechanism provide the following components: acute stress reactions, narrowed affective state of consciousness and conjugation negative direction of emotional experiences . It passes 3 stages during its development: preclinical violations – multisystem – monosystem – organ pathology. The results of this study are important for understanding the pathogenesis of development, therapy, primary and secondary prevention of psychosomatic disorders, especially with the use of methods of psychological correction. A system of complex treatment and secondary prevention of paroxysmal and permanent manifestations of pathology were studied and developed on the base of the study.


type of behavior, a way of response, psychosomatic medicine, psychosomatic features of stress reactions


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 110-116 pages, index UDK 616-039. 31:[616. 89-06:616. 1]-083. 98:615. 851