Pikas O. B.

Features of Spectrum of Fat Acids of Plasma Lipids in Suffering from Caseous Pneumonia

About the author:

Pikas O. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Objective – the study was aimed at studying and evaluating fatty-acid composition of plasma lipids in suffering from caseous pneumonia. Materials and methods. It examined 103 (62,42 % of 165) healthy persons aged 18-65 years (the first group) and 62 (37,58 % of 165) of patients with caseous pneumonia of the same age (the second group). Healthy persons and patients with caseous pneumonia did not smoke cigarettes and did not participate in the aftermath of the Cher- nobyl nuclear power plant (NPP). Fatty-acid composition of plasma lipids to study by the biochemical method using a gas-liquid chromatograph “Cvet – 500”. The basis for determining the composition of fatty acids are lipid extraction from plasma, separation of phospholipids methylation and chromatographic analysis of fatty acids. Results and discussion. Essential changes were revealed in fatty-acid spectrum of plasma lipids in suffering from caseous pneumonia. They consisted in significant reduction in saturated fatty acid contents against a back- cround of an elevation in total unsaturated fatty acid contents as well as total polyunsaturated fatty acid contents as a result of augmented activation of the lipid peroxidation processes. Іn suffering from caseous pneumonia the amount of palmitic fatty acid (C16:0) reduction up 1,45 times that (р < 0,001), of stearic fatty acid (C18:0) reduction up 2,48 times that (р < 0,001) as compared with the control group, indicating that the degradation of lecithin phospholipid fraction. Іn control group amount of palmitic fatty acid was (37,1 ± 1,6) %, amount of palmitic fatty acid – (13,4 ± 0,7) %. In patients with caseous pneumonia in plasma appeared myristic fatty acid (C14:0) (p < 0. 001), the amount of which was (39,0 ± 3,0) %; in healthy individuals myristic fatty acid is missing. The amount of arachidonic fatty acid (C20:4) grows up 1,33 times that (р < 0,05), of linoleic fatty acid (C18:2) and of oleineic (С18:1) fatty acid reduction up 3,63 times and up 2,01 times (р < 0,001) as compared with the control group. Changes in the composition of fatty acids in the blood plasma of patients with caseous pneumonia leads to a decrease in the total content of polyunsaturated fatty acids to (14,4 ± 2,0) % ((33,3 ± 1,5) % in the control group) and a decrease in the total content of unsaturated fatty acids to (22,4 ± 2,3) % at a rate of (49,5 ± 1,6) %, p < 0,001. The total level of saturated fatty acids in the blood plasma of patients with caseous pneumonia increased to (77,6 ± 2,3) % at (50,5 ± 1,6) % in healthy subjects, p < 0. 001. Thus, the range of fatty acids in plasma lipids in patients with caseous pneumonia is characterized by an imbal- ance of the ratio of the total content of saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids amounts, indicating that significant liver dysfunction in them. Conclussions. Our results showed that the importance of the development of caseous pneumonia is lipid me- tabolism in the lungs, which is displayed on the composition of fatty acids in plasma and should be considered when treating these patients and there is the prospect of further research. Significantly pronounced changes the spec- trum of fatty acids in plasma determine their susceptibility to lipid peroxidation, which allows to evaluate the nature of the metabolic processes and establish the severity and consequences of the disease in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (by determining the fatty acid composition of plasma), which is also in the long term of our research.


fatty-acid spectrum, lipid peroxidation, plasma, caseous pneumoniа


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 177-180 pages, index UDK 616. 24 – 002. 53:616. 15:577. 115:577. 125. 3