Sheiko V. H., Panteev P. G., Kazimirko N. K., Dichko V. V.

Acquired Myopia Average Degree and Systemic Immunity

About the author:

Sheiko V. H., Panteev P. G., Kazimirko N. K., Dichko V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Given the presence of retino – hypothalamic – epiphyseal and direct retino – pituitary relationships, relationships vastness of the neocortex neurostructures visual sensory system (CSS ) and the conjugate operation of specialized elements of the nervous and immune systems at all hierarchical levels of regulation of the body, promising to modern physiology should be considered a study aimed at clarifying the functional relationship between the state of the visual sensory system and indicators of systemic immunity. It is known that the intensity of the immune response depends on the excitement of the central nervous system (CNS), thereby confirming the effect on the nervous system immune. Functional reorganization of the nervous structures correspond to active processes in peripheral organs of immunity and immune cells ( ICC ). The aim of our study was to study the performance of cellular and humoral immune system and protect the body against infection in people suffering from acquired myopia average degree (up to -3 diopters). Studies were conducted on the basis of private eye clinic “Corvis” Lugansk, hematological studies were conducted on the base of clinical, laboratory and immunological diagnosis of children’s regional hospital. The diagnosis is established myopia ophthalmologist. Condition characterized by systemic immunity following indicators: total number of leukocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, determined by the total number of T-lymphocytes and their subpopulations all, using the technique of monoclonal bodies, the concentration of Ig M, G, A in the serum of peripheral blood. The research was conducted in accordance with the consolidated plan of research Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University within the department of scientific topics “Mechanisms of adaptation to the effects of endogenous and exogenous environmental factors” (state registration 0198U0026641). The study of relative changes in parameters of humoral systemic immunity confirming the reduction of the relative amount of peripheral blood body of people with myopia take the form of cells of the lymphoid series, but along with that there is a relative increase in the number of CD19 +-lymphocytes and Ig M and Ig A, which provide humoral defense of the human body . In people with myopia reduced the absolute number of leukocytes by 9 % due to neutrophilic leukocytes (at 8. 47 %). The study of relative changes in parameters of humoral systemic immunity confirming the reduction of the relative amount of peripheral blood body of people with myopia average degree of acquired forms of cells of the lymphoid series, but along with that there is a relative increase in the number of CD19 +-lymphocytes and Ig M and Ig A, which provide humoral defense the human body. People with acquired myopia is set deep deficit of the general type of T-lymphocytes, as well as all of its subpopulations – T-helperiv/induktoriv and cytotoxic T-suppressors. The vast number of general type T cells decreased by 82 %, relative – at 64. 54 %. In people with myopia serious violations found by the top-level system of cellular immunity, namely between T-lymphocytes and immunoregulatory subpopulations. Prospects for further research. Given that acquired myopia lesser degree accompanied by significant abnormalities in cellular link of immunity system, indicators should be investigated in terms of systemic immunity acquired myopia more than -3 diopters.


immune status, myopia


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 224-226 pages, index UDK 612. 122