Bernik N. V., Oliinyk I. Yu.

Shape Variability of Major Sublingual Ducts in Human Pre-Fetuses and Fetuses

About the author:

Bernik N. V., Oliinyk I. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Objective. Considering an extreme importance of the perinatal morbidity and mortality decline for practical medicine, impossibility to solve this problem without advanced study of the embryogenesis and early fetogenesis periods, which in most cases determine the further fetal growth and new-born development, we published some papers presenting certain regularities in prenatal morphogenesis and in development of the topography of human sublingual salivary glands (SLSG). The following step in this direction is a study of shape variability of major ducts of human SLSG during the intrauterine growth (IUG). Material and methods of research. The specimen of 60 human pre-fetuses 7-12 weeks of IUG) and 51 fetuses (4-10 months of IUG) were included in the study. The aim of the study was achieved by using methods of macroscopy and microscopy of a set of consequent histological and topographical and anatomical sections, graphical and plastic reengineering, fine preparation under control of the binocular magnifier as well as morphometry. All the studies were carried out according to the procedures “Ethical and juridical regularities compliance while performing scientific morphological studies”. Results. The comprehensive study of the SLSG in human pre-fetuses and fetuses allowed to single out three different shapes of the major sublingual duct during this period of IUG: straight, arched and U-shaped. The major sublingual duct leaves the upper-medial part of the SLSG on the level of its middle and anterior third. Before entering the oral cavity, the major sublingual duct joins the submandibular duct, forming a short common outlet duct. The orifice of the common outlet duct of both salivary ducts at the end of the fetal period of IUG looks like the definite one and is located on the place of the sublingual caruncle, on both sides of the frenulum of tongue and slightly rises over the surface of the mucous membrane covering the fundus of the oral cavity. This variant is the commonest. In addition, we have found the cases when the major sublingual and submandibular ducts opened by themselves as well as the orifice of the common outlet duct was formed simultaneously by the submandibular duct and some outlet ducts of the SLSG parts. In the objects group under study the commonest (101 cases or 90, 99 %) were arched shape of the major outlet duct of the SLSG, much less common (6 cases or 5, 41 %) was a straight major sublingual duct, while the U-shaped variant of the major sublingual duct occurred even less frequently (4 cases or 3, 60 %). We consider it reasonable to continue the comprehensive studies of the prenatal ontogenesis of human sublingual mucous membrane in order to form common regulatory characteristics of the major salivary glands for different research methods. Conclusions. We were the first to suggest the systematization of different shapes of the major sublingual duct of SLSG in human pre-fetuses and fetuses, by determining such shapes: straight, arched and U-shaped ones. The topography of the major sublingual ducts in the prenatal human ontogenesis is, as a rule, characterized by a common fragment in their distal section as a result of a junction of the major sublingual duct with the submandibular duct and this fragment open into the oral cavity in the area of the sublingual caruncle. SLSG of the human fetuses aged 4-10 months of IUG may contain from 4 to 14 independent particles with outlet ducts which open on the mucous membrane of the sublingual fold. The shape and size of the SLSG in human fetuses depends directly on the number of both independent particles of the gland and on the particles proper, which form their main parts by forming the major sublingual duct of the SLSG with particular outlet ducts.


sublingual salivary gland, major sublingual ducts, pre-fetus, fetus, prenatal ontogenesis, human


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 265-270 pages, index UDK 616. 316. 3-091:616-053. 34