Danylevych Yu. O.

Assessment of Coronary Heart Blood Supply with Intrauterine (Congenital) Infections and Pneumopathies

About the author:

Danylevych Yu. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Congenital infections are usually acquired by transplacental entry of the organism from the mother’s bloodstream into the fetus. Transplacentally acquired infections may result in fetal loss, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, or postnatal disease. Following birth, congenitally acquired infections may present as multi-organ failure. Congenital infections lead to the defeat of the myocardium and vessels of the heart. Infant respiratory distress syndrome, also called neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, or increasingly surfactant deficiency disorder, and previously called hyaline membrane dis- ease, is a syndrome in premature infants caused by developmental insufficiency of surfactant production and struc- tural immaturity in the lungs. Pneumopathy affects about of newborn infants and is the leading cause of death in preterm infants. Objectives. The research was aimed to study the role сongenital infections and pneumopathy on blood circula- tion in the vessels of the heart. Materials and research methods. We analysed the results of research 32 the hearts of newborn. Were divided into 3 groups. The first group – control (10 hearts newborn). The second group – 12 infants with heart сongenital infections. The third group – 12 infants with heart pneumopaty. Studied the features of the circulation of blood in the vessels of the heart. Coronary perfusion index explored by patented technique. Patent № 56440А. Vascular bed of the heart filled with a substance that is hardened in the vessels. Measured, capacity of the vas- cular bed and cardiac muscle. Coronary perfusion index was calculated using the formula. Research results and their discussion. Normal coronary perfusion index of the heart left ventricle (0,00850 ± 0,00012) and right ventricle (0,00860 ± 0,00014), interventricular septum – (0,00900 ± 0,00015), left atrium – (0,0088 ± 0,0002) and right atrium – (0,0088 ± 0,0002). Coronary perfusion index of the heart – (0,00870 ± 0,00013). Congenital infections and pneumopathy worsened the condition of blood cardiovascual perfusion. Under these pathological conditions whole heart coronary perfusion index dropped on 19,5 %. Congenital infections and pneu- mopathy differently affect the index coronary perfusion of the heart. In the second experimental group (newborns with congenital infections) coronary perfusion index of the left ventricle (0,0068 ± 0,0001) decreased by 20,5 % and right ventricle (0,00700 ± 0,00012) – 18,6 %, compared with the control group. Coronary perfusion index of the interventricular septum decreased by 11 %. In the right atrial coronary perfusion index declined by 15,9 %, in the left atrium – 18,2 %. In the first experimental group (newborns with pneumopaty) coronary perfusion index of the left ventricle (0,0070 ± 0,0001) decreased by 17,6 % and right ventricle (0,0066 ± 0,0001) – 23,2 %, compared with the control group. Coronary perfusion index of the interventricular septum (0,0080 ± 0,0001) decreased by 11 %, compared with the control group. In the right atrial coronary perfusion index declined by 18,2 %, in the left atrium – 15,9 %, com- pared with the control group. Conclusion. Intrauterine infection and pneumopaty lead to a significant deterioration of the circulation of blood in the vessels of the newborns heart. Congenital infections and pneumopathy differently affect the index coronary perfusion of the heart. Congenital infection affects more the left ventricle and atrium. Pneumopaty impairs blood perfusion in the right side of the heart – the right ventricle and atrium. Thus, results of the study must be considered when choosing treatment options and pathological studies. It is necessary to carry out future investigations to as- sess the effectiveness coronary perfusion index at different illnesses newborns.


circulation index, heart, intrauterine (congenital) infections, pneumopathies


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 271-274 pages, index UDK 616. 132-02:[618. 2-022+616. 24-008. 4]-053. 32