Kornienko V. V., Oleshko O. M.

The Features of Morphogenesis of a Burn Wound Applying Chitosan Films in Elderly Animals

About the author:

Kornienko V. V., Oleshko O. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Thermal wound is one of the most common types of injuries that provoke damages of skin. According to WHO, even in peacetime the share of burns ranges from 5. 6 to 10 % and ranks the third in the general structure of traumatism. Treatment of wounds is a burning issue for modern medicine. In the last decade the number of studies devoted to chitosan application has incredibly increased. Chitosan is a derivative of chitin, a natural polymer, used to create medical dressings to treat skin defects. However, the effect of chitosan materials application on the course of wound regeneration in the elderly remains undiscovered, because dynamics of healing is complicated by the age-related features. The aim of our research was to analyze effect of a chitosan film on optimization of regeneration. The film was applied to treat burns. The features of morphogenesis of the thermal damaged skin in elderly animals were the basis of the study. We modeled the burns of IIIb degree on the rats of experimental and control groups. The chitosan films were applied on the animals of the experimental group for the topical treatment. We analyzed the healing of burn wounds by the morphological criteria using the histological and morphometric investigations on 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st days. We analyzed the healing of burn wounds by the following morphological criteria: types of the epi- dermis and dermis damage; terms and features of wound cleaning; presence and degree of inflammation intensity and blood circulation disorders; quantity and quality of cellular infiltration. Other criteria were terms and degree of connective and epithelial tissue formation and levels of their differentiation and distribution; presence or absence of synchrony regenerative processes in the epithelium and connective tissue (especially features of vessel formation); presence or absence of morphological manifestations of pathological regeneration in the epithelium and connec- tive tissue. Morphometry of histological specimens was carried out considering the relative area of stromal edema, the relative area of the dermis vessels, the average diameter of the dermis blood vessels, the relative area of granu- lation tissue vessels and the average diameter of granulation tissue vessels. On day 3 after chitosan application, we observed less visible swelling of skin tissues, cellular infiltration and microcirculatory changes within the thermal injury. Thus, the relative area of stromal edema was significantly lower than in controls by 6. 6 % (p0. 05). On day 7 the growth of granulation tissue was more active. Moreover, this process occurred similarly throughout the defect in contrast to the controls, in which granulations were formed mainly at the border, but necrosis persisted at the center zone of coagulation. The relative area of vascular granulation tissue was significantly greater by 18. 4 % (p0. 05); an average diameter of vessels was significantly increased by 15. 6 % (p 0. 05) compared with the controls. On day 14, we noticed the typical signs of progressive epithelialization of the wound defect, there was a complete desquamation of the crust. The area of stromal edema was significantly lower by 13. 1 % (p0. 05). Granulation and connective tissue were more common regarding the corresponding periods. The area of vessels of the dermis and their average diameter was significantly decreased by 8. 1 % (p0. 05) and 7. 3 % (p0. 05), respectively. After 21 days, in the controls occurred complete epithelization of the defect: there formed a thin delicate scar indicating formation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Amount of connective tissue in the skin spaceman was significant, but less visible rough fibroses compared with the controls. Application of the chitosan films optimized reparative regeneration and prevented disturbance of cell proliferation, differentiation, and integration. Thus, epithelialization and growth of the granulation tissue were synchronized. The regenerate maturation occurred across the entire burn surface.


burn, treatment, medical supplies, chitosan, morphometry, histology


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 275-280 pages, index UDK 616-001. 17-003. 93-089. 42: 547. 995: 616-092. 9-053. 9