Tabachniuk N. V., Oliinyk I. Yu.

Changes in the Morphological and Anthropometric Characteristics of the Submandibular Salivary Glands of Human Fetuses

About the author:

Tabachniuk N. V., Oliinyk I. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Objective. In practical health care today there is a need to develop a common view of scientists to assess the morphological and anthropometric characteristics at all stages of human fetal development. Even still there is no uniform system in which morphogenesis would be covered in full chronological order. Conducting unidirectional anatomical and clinical studies in the perinatal period ontogeny in order to anatomic and clinical analysis of the results is a priority for a variety of tasks perinatal anatomy. Published by us in [6-10] for prenatal morphogenesis, the formation of topography and lectinhistochemical characteristics submandibular salivary glands in the human embryonic period of study is appropriate to broaden their morphological characteristics and anthropometric indicators in fetal utero. Material and methods of research. The study of morphological changes in the dynamics of age and anthropometric characteristics of prenatal ontogenesis submandibular l salivary glands (SMSG) rights held on 51 specimen fruit 4–10 months of fetal development (81,0–375,0 mm parietal-coccygeal length). Implementation of the objectives of the study achieved using methods macroscopy, microscopy series of sequential histological and topographic anatomical sections, graphic and plastic remodel, fine dissection under the control of a binocular microscope, morphometry. Results. In human fetuses 4-10 months of fetal development SMSG additional particles are formed ducts that anatomically and functionally merged with submandibular excretory ducts. Independent glandular lobules submandibular areas have formed their own ducts that penetrate the oral hypoglossal muscle and open to the mucosal surface bottom of the mouth. Late fetal period of prenatal human ontogenesis SMSG within the submandibular triangle in most cases localized in the postero-central or postero-top of the triangle. In some cases, cancer located in the lower corner of the submandibular triangle adjoining its lower surface to an intermediate tendon muscle digastrics. The feature of the topography of the distal submandibular ductless is anatomical association of the latter with distal large sublingual ducts resulting in the formation of both common excretory duct of the salivary glands of the mouth, which is placed on the floor of the mouth in the sublingual caruncle on both sides frenulum of the tongue. Conclusions. In the fetal period of prenatal ontogenesis SMSG human morphological age and anthropometric features a manifestation of genetic (inherited) ability of the individual to the formation of additional and independent particles cancer. The number of additional (independent) particles SMSG and their location relative to the primary germ glands cause the appearance variations of its form in fetuses 4-10 months of fetal development (81.0 – 375.0 mm parietal-coccygeal length) and cases of asymmetry of the left and right SMSG in the same fetuses.


submandibular salivary gland, prenatal ontogenesis, fetus, human


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 296-301 pages, index UDK 616. 316. 1-071. 3:616-053. 34