Myzhina T. I. , Zyuzina L. S. , Savchenko L. P. , Scherban’ E. A. , Horyachevskaya T. N.

New Priorities of Neonatal Pathology Department of Poltava Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital during a Change of Health Protection

About the author:

Myzhina T. I. , Zyuzina L. S. , Savchenko L. P. , Scherban’ E. A. , Horyachevskaya T. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Maternal and child health protection is one of priority direction of the state policy in most countries of the world. Regulatory and legal framework is developed in Ukraine which has a purpose to improve medical aid to newborn infants. A national project “New life. New quality of motherhood and childhood protection” is a funda- mental result in order to improve the quality of prenatal aid beginning in 2010. Regional prenatal center was opened in Poltava region in 2012. It caused not only a change of patient population of neonatal pathology department, but also rethinking of the first aid standards. Neonatal pathology department of Poltava children’s municipal clinical hospital gives medical aid to newborns from 1977. Beginning in 2000 a rooming-in regimen, indications for permanent hospital stay were developed. A department functions as general hospital that allows doctors to consult patients timely and use different types of physiotherapy. During the last decade a structure of newborns’ morbidity at our department has changed. In 2010-2013 in comparison with 2004 -2006 number of immature infants decreased (from 44, 4 % to 18, 4 %). Morbidity struc- ture contains hypoxic-ischemic central nervous system, number of children with serious complications decreased, who need long-lasting course of treatment. Nowadays congenital pathology, especially serious congenital cardiac failures occupy one of the first places. Combined care practice of surgeon and neonatologist is developed at our department especially after surgeries of congenital pathology of gastrointestinal tract that can improve their treat- ment and the process of rehabilitation. The same conditions for children with progressive form of hydrocephalus are developed. The percent of congenital metabolism pathology (adrenogenital syndrome, hypothyroidism, mucoviscidosis) increased. Practically number of patients who suffer from neonatal jaundice increased in twentyfold, it associates with the practice of an early dismissal from maternity home and an absence of phototherapy at outpatient departments. So, there are new opportunities to optimize the course of treatment and rehabilitation of newborn children who have perinatal pathology by refocusing of neonatal pathology department in order to give the first aid to the men- tioned number of patients and rational use of bedspace.


newborns, perinatal pathology, assistance optimization, change of health protection


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 335-339 pages, index UDK 616-053. 31