Korobeinikova L. G.

The Study of Cognitive Strategy of Perception and Information Processing in Elite Athletes

About the author:

Korobeinikova L. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim was to investigate the cognitive strategies of perception and information processing in elite athletes depending on the characteristics of the perception of the environment. We examined 29 elite athletes (members of the national team of Ukraine Greco-Roman wrestling and Judo), 18-25. To determine the dominance of the hemispheres of the brain used for test “field dependence” (test version «Color & Word Test»; JRStroop, 1935). Estimated volume and stability of memory on verbal stimuli was performed by the method of “Memory for words. ” Assessment of visual perception characteristics that relate to the level of elementary perceptual actions determined by the method of “perceptual speed”. To study the characteristics of the thinking process (activity and understanding) and brain asymmetry used method “Setting the laws.” For the analysis of functional brain asymmetry surveyed athletes were divided into two groups. The first group – athletes with the presence of functional asymmetry of the brain, just 16 people. The second group – athletes with the presence of brain symmetry, only 13 people. Were studied that the presence of functional asymmetry of the brain (without specifying the corresponding hemisphere dominance) is displayed in the top polezalezhnosti from the elements. In other words, the athletes with the presence of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres is necessary to rely on external standards streamline their experiences in terms of perception and information processing. Established in patients with the presence of symmetry of the brain (“autonomous” cognitive strategy perception and information processing) is significantly greater levels of performance in the test “Installing laws”, compared with those with the presence of functional asymmetry of the brain, indicating a higher level of ability to accept, transcoding sign information, with attention and operational thinking. It may be noted that the presence of symmetry of the brain (“autonomous cognitive strategy”) is related to the greater ability of manifestation of cognitive functions, including memory efficiency, to reproduce visual information. Thus, we can conclude that the presence of symmetry of the brain (“autonomous cognitive strategy”) associated with the best ability to fast and quality perception and processing of external information, compared with athletes with functional asymmetry of the brain. Functional asymmetry of the brain in elite athletes (without specifying the corresponding hemisphere dominance) is displayed in the top polezalezhnosti from the external environment (“adaptive” strategy cognitive perception and information processing). The presence of symmetry of the brain in athletes is reflected in higher polenezelezhnosti of information from the environment (“autonomous” cognitive strategy perception and information processing). Autonomous cognitive strategy that is found in elite athletes with a severe lack of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres of the brain, characterized by greater opportunities manifestation of cognitive functions, including memory and operational thinking, better ability to fast and quality perception and processing of external information, compared to athletes that have a functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres.


cognitive strategy, functional brain asymmetry, perception and information processing, elite athletes


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 344-348 pages, index UDK 796. 072. 2