Egorova K. I., Havriliuk V. G., Vinnikov A. I.


About the author:

Egorova K. I., Havriliuk V. G., Vinnikov A. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


According to epidemiological studies, inflammatory processes dominate in the structure of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system now, which etiological factor is potentially pathogenic bacteria and fungi that are an integral part of the normal microflora. Absence of a specific inflammation pattern, torpid, and with ever increasing frequency asymptomatic state complicates diagnosis of these diseases, contributing to the process chronization, adversely affecting the reproductive function, reducing the quality of life. Vaginal microflora is an indicator of a woman’s health that is a dynamic system responding to changes in hormonal and immunological status in various pathological conditions. An integral part of the vaginal normcoenosis is saprophytic bacteria biofilms which prevent adhesion and colonization of mucous membranes with pathogenic bacteria. The formation of biofilms of transient microorganisms is the basis of pathogenesis of the most infectious and inflammatory diseases of women’s urogenital system and the cause of increase of antibiotic resistance of potentially pathogenic biota. Dysbiosis of microflora genital tracts of women is a very pressing issue because it has a negative impact on many organs and systems of the female body. Dysbiotic disorders can cause infection of the fetus and the newborn, lead to miscarriage, disorders of the reproductive function, and complications of gynecological diseases. Thus, an early detection of pathogens and implementation of adequate preventive measures is key to the prevention of diseases such as bacterial vaginosis and genitourinary candidiasis. According to a survey implemented by Dniprodzerzhynsk City Hospital No. 9 of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council in the Town of Dniprodzerzhynsk which covered 583 women, 363 patients presented signs of dysbiotic disorders of their reproductive systems. The conducted microbiological analysis demonstrates the presence of dysbiosis of genital biota in pregnant women with in situ cervical cancer (100 pct of cases (n=23)), in women with malignant tumors of the reproductive system (85.5 pct of 200 patients) with a smaller frequency in women with a history of miscarriage (53.9 pct of 190 women and in 32.7 pct of 170 pregnant women). The species spectrum and the incidence of bacterial vaginosis and genitourinary candidiasis of women of different risk groups in monocultures: Gardnerella vaginalis (12.3 pct), Candida albicans (11.1 pct), Escherichia coli (10.2 pct), Mobiluncus spp. (5.8 pct), Prevotella spp. (4.1), Staphylococcus. aureus (3.9 pct), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (3.7 pct), Fusobacterium spp. (3.2 pct), Micoplasma hominis (3.0 pct), Chlamydia trachomatis (1.5 pct), as well as in associations: Escherichia coli + Candida albicans (0.5 pct), Staphylococcus aureus + Candida albicans (0.3 pct), Gardnerella vaginalis+ Prevotella spp. (0.3 pct of cases). Monitoring of the composition of microflora of the reproductive tract of pregnant women with in situ cervical cancer has demonstrated reduction in the frequency of detection of dysbiosis from 100 pct to 28 pct of cases after adjuvant therapy with antimicrobial and anticancer drugs and absence of association of opportunistic pathogenic microflora and reduction of the titer of dysbiotic disorders from 1014 to 108CFU/ml. Thus, the obtained data allow for determining the focus of diagnostic and preventive measures in the field of restoration of the microbiota of the reproductive system of women with different pathologies.


bacterial vaginosis, genitourinary candidiasis, in situ cervical cancer, risk groups


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 254-259 pages, index UDK 579.61:616-078