About the author:
Fedorian I. K., Voronkova O. S., Vinnikov A. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Food poisoning most often have a microbial etiology, so study the spectrum of pathogens will develop the ways of prevention of these lesions. Poisoning, caused by staphylococci, are the most frequently among diagnosed lesions that are a results of consume of tainted products. Great epidemiological significance in the spread of staphylococcal diseases have food-bacillicarriers people. In nasopharynx of almost every second healthy person take place carriage of pathogenic or opportunistic staphylococci. Equally important is epidemiological significance of intestinal forms of staphylococci carriers. The source of staphylococcal infection also may make the animals sick with mastitis, suppurative disease of the liver, muscles etc. Animal products can become infected by staphylococci in living animals (mastitis udder milk) or cutting of the brawn. The source of infection in case of poisoning almost always are food products contaminated by staphylococci, a large number of strains of them are capable to toxin production. Staphylococci resistant to many external factors and quickly acquire a new signs of resistance, so able to a long persistance in food, even withstanding low temperatures, contributing to the spread and defines a central etiologic role of food poisoning in people. The aim of research was to investigate the biological properties and phage profile of staphylococci, isolated during food poisoning. The object of the study was the incidence and biological properties of staphylococci, isolated during food poisoning. Subject of research were staphylococci strains, isolated from people with food poisoning, people were likely carriers and food products suspected to contamination by staphylococci. 22 samples of biological material (washing water, vomit, feces) received from people with food poisoning, and 15 samples of food suspected on contamination by staphylococci, which were seized from persons with poisoning were studied. Bacteriological and virological methods were use for research. During the study of the structure of agents of food poisoning in adults aged 18 and older (n = 22) found that staphylococci strains were isolated mainly (54.5%). All strains in the present study were identified as S. aureus. Also isolated strains of Escherichia coli – 27,3%, Bacillus cereus – 13,6% and Clostridium perfringens – 4,5%. From the 15 analyzed samples of products for microbial contamination were isolated 18 strains of microorganisms that are identified as Staphylococcus – isolated from products in 50.0% of cases, bacteria of E. coli group share was 22.2%, Bacillus isolated in 11.1% of cases, Clostridium – 5.6% and in 11.1% of the samples there were the mold fungi. All staphylococci were identified as S. aureus. Phage typing in 77.8% of cases confirmed the identity of strains of S. aureus, which isolated from biological material of people and eaten by them products. The analysis showed that among all 14 isolated from different sources strains of staphylococci prevailed strains of phage group I – 10 (71.4%), 2 strains (14.3%) typed by phages of I and III groups and 2 strains (14.3%) had not sensitivity to phages. Plasmocoagulase produced all isolated strains of staphylococci, lipase and lecitinase produced over 75% of strains, haemolysins – more than 60%. It was determined that the greatest risk of staphylococcal food contamination were confectionery and ready meals (salads) – 42.9%. The problem of food poisoning due to consumption of products spoiled by microbial contamination is one of the most pressing and urgent problems requiring mandatory solution. One of the research areas for developing measures to prevent the food poisoning, is knowledge about ways of contamination of food and the possible directions of propagation of microorganisms, so monitoring studies may be useful to establish the most risky products and identify sources of infection in real terms.
staphylococci, biological properties, phage profile, food poisoning
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 172-175 pages, index UDK 579.61: 616-078