About the author:
Lvov A. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The problem of increasing performance and functionality in a significant increase in student workload seems now very urgent task. Physical education is the most effective factor in the preservation and promotion of health. At optimal physical activity all the organs and systems work efficiently, the adaptive reserves are high, the body’s resistance to adverse conditions is high. Attention scientists studying the processes of adaptation, mainly directed at the extent and nature of changes of physiological parameters in healthy people and those engaged in sports. However, how to optimize the physical load of students classified as health to the SMG, lit enough. Thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the effect of physical activity on the health of students of special medical groups based on their body constitution and disease. The work was performed in accordance with the master plan of research work of University of Luhansk in the "mechanisms of adaptation to the effects of endogenous and exogenous factors of the environment," the scientific theme of the department of anatomy and physiology of man and animals (state registration number 0198U0026641). The study was conducted in accordance with generally accepted bioethical standards in compliance with the relevant principles of the Helsinki Declaration of Human Rights, the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine and the relevant laws of Ukraine concerning the experimental and clinical studies. All those who participated in the study, agreed to participate in the inspection and testing, digital results that in our study. To do this, we used the conventional methods of anthropometric studies, analyzed the medical records of students of special medical groups. Research carried out at the Department of Anatomy and Human and Animal Physiology University of Luhansk. The study took a group of students who are engaged in special medical groups. The total number of volunteers reached 298 boys. Thus, our studies have shown that for representatives of each body type different propulsion modes have different effects on the improvement of the motor characteristics, and there are certain features associated with the specific influence of the dosage of muscular load on the leading or trailing movement quality and physical performance indicators. At the end of the third stage of rehabilitation was observed convergence body types for a variety of indicators of erasing a clear distinction between boys digestivnogo type and muscle — by reducing the fat component and the development of most of the leading physical qualities of students-boys digestivnogo TT; between thoracic and asthenoid — by increasing the number and quality of muscle mass in boys asthenoid TT. The results obtained in the study are consistent with the published data of experts dealing with the physical preparation of student youth. It is necessary to examine indicators of physical performance of the students of special medical groups with different types of body constitution by passing a rehabilitation program.
medical group, body type, quality motor
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 279-283 pages, index UDK 611.112