About the author:
Tretiak T. O., Dregval I. V., Severynovska O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The ability to model possible variants of the problem solution mentally has a great significance for different aspects of human cognition and behaviour, in particular, the way people build the images of future events, which has not been fully investigated yet. Image-bearing thinking suggests an image as a unity of knowledge and attitude to it. Its constituent aspects under certain conditions may facilitate the formation of personality senses, thus defining value and semantic personality development. Thinking with images is included into the range of the most important components of all kinds of human activity, without exception, irrespective of how developed or separated they are. However, the contents of created images, conditions under which they were created and operating them in the activity process change considerably, as an image does not function in thinking by itself, but fulfils a special function in a complicated structure – a planning function, which predicts, corrects and ensures not only the perception of the existing, but gives birth to the new, unknown before or non-existing at all. Human thinking can be considered as a creative transformation of images and conceptions that exist in memory. The chosen problem may be topical nowadays, because a modern person must have a range of specific features, such as flexibility of thinking, ability to establish certain connections and dependences as well as ability to find analogies. Image-bearing thinking is a form of reflecting reality, which does not actually exist at the given moment of time. The peculiarity of this type of thinking is that the thinking process here is directly connected with perceiving a surrounding reality by a person and can not be possible without him. Thinking in images, a person is linked to the reality, while all necessary for thinking images are represented by the short-term and operative memory. That is why the aim of our work is to identify the peculiarities of image-bearing thinking in Biology students and to determine the effective directions of its development. Individual psycho-physiological characteristics of a person were investigated, which allowed forming the groups for studying neuro-vegetative and neuro-psychophysiological conditions of a human. 175 female students aged from 18 to 22, studying at the faculty of Biology, Ecology and Medicine of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University were tested. All the tested were volunteers and gave their consent to take part in the investigation. Differently directed changes in heart systole rate (HSR) were established: the students with a medium level of image-bearing thinking demonstrated an increase in HRS, while the students with a high level of this mental activity demonstrated a decrease in HRS irrespective of the year of studying. The increase in the mode index, the increase in the mode amplitude and the decrease in variation span in image-bearing thinking are the reflection of the influence of the central outline on the autonomous one. The students with a medium level of image-bearing thinking demonstrated the increase in the index of regulatory systems tension, characterizing the state of the compensated distress. The students with a high level of the studied cognitive ability demonstrated the decrease in the stress index, which testified to the comfortable functional state in the process of doing tasks. All Biology students in the process of image-bearing thinking demonstrated a reliable decrease in the vegetative index, which testifies to the increase in the organism functioning level. It was established that neuro-vegetative indices correlate with the data of the psycho-physiological state and that cognitive processes may be investigated with the help of Kirlian method.
image-bearing thinking, Kirlian graphics, neuro-vegetative state of a person
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 284-287 pages, index UDK 57.024 + 072.616.717