Plevinskis P. V.


About the author:

Plevinskis P. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Questions of a specific variant of road accident the person are considered by a part of the automobile. Circumstances of this kind bodies of the person, and also mechanisms of formation {education} of physical injuries are listed thus. It was found that in the case of injury to the human body of the bottom side of the car produced injuries have a special, very specific morphology, namely, damages with the following properties are formed: - From multiple fractures of edges (local and remote, settling down on various anatomic lines, but more often) are formed. - Plural, more often the closed, splintered crises of bones of a basin, formed basically in result. - Breaks internal bodies (a liver, kidneys, less often than a spleen, the breaks of a diaphragm accompanying with moving of bodies in adjacent cavities of a body), formed in result. - Seen deformation trunks as result. - Extensive the trunks formed, as a rule, as a result of dragging of a body on a road covering. - Extensive lacerations of a trunk due to action of details of a suspension bracket of the automobile (as a rule, due to impact). - Extensive lacerations of a head of the victim with damage of bones of a brain and obverse skull to a projection of wounds, destruction of substance of a brain (due to impact by details of a suspension bracket of the automobile); in some cases can occur not only impact in area of a head details of a suspension bracket, but also heads between the bottom and a road covering owing to what it is formed and seen deformation heads in this or that direction. - As to damages in the field of finitenesses of the victim they do not differ typicalness. Basically, it this or that orientation; these damages are formed as a result of dragging finitenesses on a road covering. By virtue of small volume of finitenesses, they, as a rule, cannot be squeezed between the bottom of the automobile and a road covering, and, accordingly, have no any attributes. - On a body and clothes of the victim significant imposings combustive-lubricating materials are quite often found out. - At bodies between the bottom of the automobile and a road covering on a body of the victim do not operate working surfaces of a wheel (protector) of the automobile therefore on a body and clothes of the victim there are no traces of a protector of wheels of the automobile. The lead {carried out} research speaks that the investigated kind the person — a part of the automobile — has the features which allow to carry out {spend} successfully differential diagnostics, in particular, between through a body of a wheel (wheels) of the automobile and bodies the bottom of the automobile.


forensic medicine, car accident injury, the pedestrian, mechanisms injuries


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 83-86 pages, index UDK 340.6:616-001: 629.1131.115