About the author:
Sokolova S. S., Yakovtsova I. I., Sergiyenko L. Yu., Postnikov V. A., Ivanova N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Today, it is known that intrauterine growth retardation syndrome is one of the most common causes of perinatal morbidity and fetal death / babies. According to different authors within recent years babies’ birth rate with low birth weight varies from 1 to 31.2 % of the total number of births in different regions of Ukraine. The aim of our investigation was to calculate the frequency of this pathology in the Kharkov region in a retrospective review of ten years and explore its structure. According to WHO guidelines, children born weighing less than 2500 g, referred to be "low birthweight". When compiling and analyzing the results of perinatal mortality and neonatal mortality, calculated according to the annual "Reports on medical care for pregnant women, women in childbirth and after childbirth" Kharkiv regional department of health for the period 01.01.2004-31.12.2014 y.y. (a total of 276,267 births) we figured out that the frequency of children born with birth weight between 500 and 2500 g, i.e. below the reference index of rules, veached 16 678 cases (6.05% of the total number of births) in Kharkiv region over this period. This figure has been relatively stable, although significantly increased in some years. Among the newborns of the time interval to be analyzed, the highest percentage were children weighing 2000-2500 g. They prevailed among stillborn children with a weight of 500-999 g. Percentage of stillbirths significantly (about 3 times) decreased among children born with low or critically low weight the period from 2004 to 2014 y.y. During the period from 2005 to 2008 the number of live births with low and very low birth weight increased almost 2 twice, and the rate in the year of 2014 y. exceeded the 2004 y. figure by 2.5 times. The highest rates of children born with low birth weight critically coincide with the emergency social instability periods (2008 y. — the beginning of the global financial crisis, in 2014 y. — revolution of dignity, ATO). A significant decrease in the mortality percentage among all categories of live births during the first week of life points to improvement of health care for children in the early postnatal period within 2004 y. to 2014 y.
children with low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, perinatal mortality, Kharkov region
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 106-111 pages, index UDK 616–053.32–07