About the author:
Sirtsov V. K., Aliyeva O. G., Polkovnikov Y. F., Zidrashko G. A., Pototska O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The strategy of reforming of medical higher education in Ukraine in connection with the process of its integration into the European educational field provides for the use of new effective information technologies, education contents renewing, forming of educational information environment. The experience of morphology chairs of Zaporizhzhia medical university in forming of educational information environment and introducing of information technologies into the process of teaching and studying has been analyzed in this thesis. The main components of educational information environment (these are content, technologies and organization), that were the target of the monitoring, have been defined in the process of analyzing. The educational information environment includes the system of information and educational resources on different carriers, the system of pedagogical technologies and personnel and the combination of training aids that provide both the effective cooperation between the participants of the educational process and institutional and economical mechanisms. The introduction of information technologies into all the components of the educational process is the key basis of forming of the educational information field. Information technologies are the educational technologies that use special means, software and hardware (personal computers, audio, video, films) for the information work. The use of new information technologies, especially those of communication kind, enables the increase of studying motivation, individualization and differentiation of studying process and basing on the individually oriented studying. The morphology chairs of ZSMU take active part in creating university information and education environment. Introduction of information technologies into the studying process at the morphology chairs is defined by the following factors: equipping chairs with up-to-date personal computers, educational software and information, lecturers’ qualification level in the field of information technologies, students’ computer skills. The use of information technologies at the morphology chairs includes next forms: multimedia materials for lectures, training and assessment computer testing, educational programs and animation, videos, electronic textbooks, manuals and workbooks, 3D models of anatomical and histological structures, placing educational material in all the subjects at chairs web pages of the university web site, taking part in forming electronic library information complex, electronic register. The process of creating of common information environment of a higher school with the help of new up-to-date technologies is many-sided and complex and requires lecturers’ advanced level of subject expertise and computer skills. Informatization of education creates new environment. It enables, basing on students’ individual needs, the development of such an education scheme in which optimal combination of regular and computer forms of education process organization provides new quality of knowledge system transmitting and learning and mastering of future doctors’ practical skills.
educational information environment, information computer technologies, medical higher education, education process
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 150-154 pages, index UDK 378.147.001.76.:378.661