Aliyev Z. U.


About the author:

Aliyev Z. U.



Type of article:

Scentific article


For the prevention of caries and periodontal pathology of patients with dentoalveolar and facial anomalies it is recommended to use a special approach, developed on the basis of scientific analysis. Objective-studying of results of the program of prevention of dental diseases at the children's dental center of health Department of Baku. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in two stages. In the first phase were surveyed 1,600 children aged 3-5, 6-9, 10-12, 13-15 years old with different forms of dentoalveolar and facial anomalies. The groups were formed (16 groups of 50 people each). The program included the following activities: mandatory tooth brushing after intake of sweets; the use of flosser for cleaning interdental spaces; the training of tooth brushing, and regular professional teeth cleaning by us at least once in 3 months. To evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out was studied the quality of teeth cleaning at the beginning and at the end of the implementation of the program duration of 1 year. Results and discussion. Dynamics of average indicators of hygiene index – of criterion of quality of tooth cleaning before and after implementation of the program of prevention of dental diseases in children with dentoalveolar and facial anomalies and without them (control group) reflected in the table. The average value of the index of dental hygiene at the beginning of the implementation of the program of prevention of dental diseases was varied in the range of 1.7±0,09 to 2.2±0,09 points in different ages of control group children. The reliability of differences between these parameters is confirmed (P<0.05). It is obvious that in the control group with increasing age, children improved the quality of cleaning teeth, which is manifested by reduction of plaque. At the end of the implementation of prevention programs in the control group at all ages significantly decreases the average value of hygiene index, which indicates the effectiveness of preventive measures. It also retains the accuracy differences of the index of hygiene of the teeth in the control group of children younger and older ages. This is because dental care in the older ages becomes more adequate. In addition, with the formation of the permanent dentition facilitates mechanical cleaning of the teeth. Improving the quality of tooth brushing was observed in all age groups irrespective of the form of dentoalveolar and facial anomalies. Thus, a program that includes simple measures to dental care (brushing your teeth after every meal sweet; use flosser for cleaning interdental spaces; learning the rules of quality teeth cleaning and periodic professional teeth cleaning by a dentist) can improve the quality of tooth brushing in children with dentoalveolar and facial anomalies.


dentoalveolar facial anomalies, individual oral hygiene, prevention of dental diseases


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 155-158 pages, index UDK 616.31