Lobach L. N., Shundrik M. A., Marchenko I. Ya. Tkachenko I. M.


About the author:

Lobach L. N., Shundrik M. A., Marchenko I. Ya. Tkachenko I. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The chronic periodontitis is the center of an odontogenic chronic infection, a source of a sensibililization of an organism, what is results in changes of the immune status, decrease of résistance an organism, and sometimes to complication of current a various somatic diseases. The main tasks at treatment of a destructions forms periodontitis is not only liquidation of the center infected a periodontium, action on microflora of a root canals and their branches, but also active influence on a granulation tissues with the aim activization of a reparative processes in the center of a destruction. Efficiency of a treatment a chronic forms of a periodontitis depends on a quality a toolkit and medicamentus processing of infected of a root canals. Together with improvement of techniques of medicamentus end toolkit processing and obturation of a root canals, the big interest is caused with development and studying clinical efficiency of preparations the intracanal uses, directed on stimulation a tissues regeneration in the apical periodontium. Materials of a choice for temporary filling of a root canals are substances, which contain collagen of 1-st type and synthetic оorthophosphates calcium (hydroxyapatitis, ß-threecalciumphosphat, carbonate apatite). Tusk of the present research was clinical estimation of conservative treatment of periodontitis by medical preparation for endodontic. “TrApeks-gel” — material for temporary filling of root canals, contained complex composition from osteoplastic materials and special additives: gel-forming material, hydroxyapatit, nanodisperse admixture fractions of orthophosphates calcium, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and radiopaque substances on geliobase. For of the treatment selected of the 23 patients (23 teeth) in age from 25 to 45 year without attendant of a pathology with a chronic forms of destruction periodontitis. After the standard scheme of a chemo-mechanical preparing of a root canals, they fill up the osteoplastic material TrApeks-gel in quality of a temporary fill. Contact of the preparation with an endodontic tissues continued from 25 to 50 days. Control observation over patients spent with used the intraoral contact roentgenography with the interval 7 days, 25 days, 50 days. Positive results expressed in disappearance of subjective symptoms, disappearance end reduction of the centre destruction of bone tissues more intensive restoration of density the bone.


a chronic forms of destruction periodontitis, temporary filling, regeneration, roentgenography


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 214-217 pages, index UDK 616.314-039.75-089.27:616.314.19-085